10 practices to boost your intelligence in 2024

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor. Picture: Supplied

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor. Picture: Supplied

Published Dec 18, 2023



Imagine a future where you possess newfound intelligence, more insight and sharper abilities. This vision has the potential to become a reality not just human imagination.

As seasons shift and technology evolves, you can begin your journey to a more enriching you. But, some may resist change due to fear of the unknown or losing what’s familiar. Embrace 2024 that goes beyond every aspect of your mind and its endless potential.

The process of change is a natural aspect of life that can be utilised as a valuable teaching tool. Take a moment to consider, that every phase of our lives has been marked by change, whether it be starting a new course, a new job or a new relationship. This action alters our thinking, pushes us beyond our comfort zones and forces us to adapt. The ability to adapt and thrive in both good and bad change is what enriches our intelligence by approaching change with curiosity instead of fear, our intelligence grows with each learned lesson.

Maintain a life-long learning habit. The end of formal education, be it school, college or university does not mark the end of learning, it is just the beginning. It is not about credentials; it is about developing a genuine curiosity for knowledge that lasts a lifetime. When life challenges arise, our minds are occupied with resolving them, we lose this sense of curiosity.

Develop curiosity over judgment. Stop judging. Each person has their own story, what you see is an incomplete reality. We often think we have all the answers; we close ourselves to the knowledge the world has to offer. Living in a distracting world poses a challenge to our well-being, look around and truly listen. Break away from this cycle, choose curiosity instead of judgment. We can engage with the world around us with greater intensity. When faced with the unfamiliar, open your mind and allow your curiosity to guide you.

Growth requires accepting discomfort. Comfort is often associated with a cosy bed, but the path to intelligence often goes beyond that comfort zone. This results in having sleepless nights while studying or working. The most beneficial time to grow is during discomfort. Mental toughness is developed to be beneficial for all aspects of our minds.

Utilise mindful observation, we can recognise, pay attention to details, marvel at the beauty and gain insight into the deeper mysteries of life. We are not simply passive watchers, but rather active participants who soak up knowledge from our surroundings. Taking a few moments of silence may seem wasteful. But, in those quiet moments our minds are quick to calculate an accurate interpretation of what is being conveyed.

The practice of deliberate disengagement. The importance of engaging healthily with our relationships, studies or work is often talked about. But, what about the negative impact these important aspects have on our lives? New studies give us insight into the merits of deliberate disengagement. Taking a deliberate step back from our regular routine can refresh our perspectives and rejuvenate our minds. This enables us to approach both positive and negative aspects of our life with renewed clarity. It does not mean abandoning our duties, it is about setting aside time to disconnect and reflect.

It is about active listening, not just hearing words but truly understanding the perspective and viewpoint of others. To be intelligent is not just about speaking. By truly listening, we open up to new and different ideas of perspectives that can enrich our intelligence. By opening ourselves to diverse interactions, we expose ourselves to a wider range of ideas, stories and experiences.

Interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures who have a wealth of experience, knowledge and important insights to offer to the world. Our intelligence is shaped by the diversity of people we interact with, not just textbooks. Every interaction offers a fresh perspective and a new piece to the puzzle of life. Progress does not come from experts or mentors only. Sometimes, the most profound insights can come from unexpected sources.

Acquire silence in the midst of the noise around us. By practising silence over time, we enrich our intelligence by confidently facing our feelings and can realistically guide our pathway. By immersing ourselves in silence we can distinguish between our genuine fears and imagined anxieties.

As children our minds were filled with ‘wonder questions’ that allowed our imagination to run along with endless possibilities. What if we were able to reignite that spark to learn and discover? Learning resources are now at our fingertips and easily accessible.

As you travel into 2024, just dare to learn, extend gratitude and prioritise a mindset that goes beyond human imagination, which opens a door to a different world or perhaps a parallel universe.

Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor.

Daily News

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