If you choose to study a qualification in one of these careers, your future is set

Graduates in the field are more likely to land jobs, but they are not immune to SA’s unemployment problem. Picture: Pexels

Graduates in the field are more likely to land jobs, but they are not immune to SA’s unemployment problem. Picture: Pexels

Published Jun 24, 2024


Future students are frequently urged to analyse the present employment market and future projections before deciding on a career path and what they should study.

However, these projections can be difficult to make, which is why advice is essential, according to an education expert.

“There is a growing emphasis on skills and reskilling rather than traditional career paths and job titles, and the importance of developing a versatile skill set to thrive in the modern workforce,” said Peter Kriel, general manager at The Independent Institute of Education.

Kriel listed the fields that are currently in-demand in the country:

Medicine and health

Bachelor in Public Health

Graduates will be equipped with the knowledge and abilities necessary to enhance health and prevent sickness in populations through disease prevention.


Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

In numerous industries, the principles and applications of electrical systems, electronics, and electromagnetic are studied.

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

The emphasis is on the design, analysis, manufacture, and maintenance of mechanical systems and machinery.

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering

Dedicated to the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure projects such as buildings, roads, bridges, and water supply systems.

Business and management

Bachelor of Commerce

Offers a solid foundation in general business with opportunity to obtain in-depth knowledge in specific areas of expertise.

Bachelor of Business Administration

Offers a solid foundation in business principles and management methods.

Bachelor of Business Administration in Logistics and supply Chain Management

Developing knowledge and abilities for managing the storage and movement of products and services, resulting in effective and efficient supply chain operations.

Finance and accounting

Bachelor of Accounting

This prepares students for a variety of professional accounting opportunities.