‘The West miscalculated its ability to isolate the Russian economy’

Published Jun 26, 2024


The 10th International Forum ‘Primakov Readings’ started on Tuesday, June 25, at the World Trade Centre in Moscow.

According to a statement, the main topic of discussion of the anniversary event is Russia in the Global Context.

Alexander Dynkin, deputy chairperson of the Forum’s organising committee and president of IMEMO said that the West miscalculated its ability to isolate the Russian economy.

“Sanctions against Russia only strengthen ties between the countries of the Global South, BRICS, SCO, and EAEU. All this creates obstacles on the trajectory of fragmentation of the world economy,” he said.

“There is a growing feeling that experts in the West understand Russian realities less and less. That is why we decided to focus this year on the theme of Russia in the world,” Dynkin said.

The forum was attended by more than 50 leading foreign experts in the field of international security, world politics and economy from 30 countries.

These countries include: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Georgia, India, China, USA, Uzbekistan, and Switzerland.

More than 1,000 representatives of Russian and foreign scientific and expert community, government agencies, political and business circles were expected to participate in the forum taking place from the June 25 to 26.

The ‘Primakov Readings’ forum has six working sessions, as well as the traditional speech by the minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov.

“It is expected that during his speech, Lavrov will present the Russian vision of main trends in the world development and provide clarifications on topical aspects of Russian foreign policy,” said Maria Zakharova, director of the information and press department of the Russian foreign ministry, at a briefing on June 19.

Role of BRICS

The discussions at the forum will focus on the role of BRICS in shaping a new global economic architecture, vectors of interaction between the countries of Greater Eurasia, the polycentric nature of the emerging world order in the military-strategic sphere, the impact of modern crises on the future contours of European security, the possibilities of the Russian economy, as well as the role of culture in international relations, according to the statement.

Evgeny Maksimovich Primakov

This year, the forum has been dedicated to the memory of Evgeny Maksimovich Primakov.

The main conference therefore opened with a session dedicated to the scientific and political legacy of Primakov.

“The 'Primakov Readings' set the highest bar for other discussion platforms, and not only Russian ones. This is Russia's national heritage, and the importance of this platform for active dialogue between participants from various countries shall not be underestimated,” emphasised Sergey Ryabkov, deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation said.