Arts Writer
POPArt Productions presents Unfair Lady at Alexander Upstairs Theatre in Strand Street from tonight until Saturday at 9pm.
Wriiten by Gwydion Beynon ( The Epicene Butcher, El Blanco: Tales of the Mariachi), the production consists of 12 new stories about women, about being a woman and, of course, about women’s magazines.
Fill up on the new fad Honesty Diet, work out with Masterbatics, get five of the hottest new sex and make-up tips, and hear about real women’s “struggles”.
Unfair Lady is directed by Orly Shapiro and features Rachael Neary and Hayleigh Evans.
Neary is a theatre actress and improviser whose recent performance credits include Actress and Girl, Father. Father. Father. and Aquarium.
l The running time is 60 minutes. Seating is unreserved. Tickets: R100 online, or R120,