How storytelling gives voice to voiceless

Published Feb 24, 2024


Kamogelo Masoga is not just a writer but a compassionate storyteller whose latest work, Chasing the Dream, looks at societal issues through a collection of short stories.

Driven by the belief that storytelling is a powerful tool for giving voice to the voiceless, Masoga uses fiction as a medium to shed light on the challenges faced by individuals in their daily lives.

Q: What inspired you to write Chasing the Dream? Was there a specific moment or experience that ignited your creative spark?

A: What inspired me was the essays I used to write in high school. Growing up I wanted to be an actor, so I found myself enjoying writing and creating stories when I had to write essays, so I realised I love storytelling but I love creating stories and characters more. So that pushed me to write these short stories looking at people's challenges and experiences.

Q: Your collection of short stories touches on various societal issues. Can you share a bit about how your own experiences influenced these themes?

A: The majority of these stories are influenced by other people and their experiences. The only story that was influenced by my experience is called Betrayal and backstabbing. In this story two friends who could sing decided to record a song that was written by only one of them because the other couldn’t write. But the very same one who didn’t write the song ended up betraying her friend and recording the song as her own, leaving her friend behind. So she betrayed her friend in the most horrible way. I relate to this story a lot because I have been hurt and betrayed by friends. I think my experience influenced this story. I wanted to show people that not all your friends wish you well.

Q: As a writer, how do you connect with your characters and bring them to life on the page?

A: When writing I Imagine myself or someone I know as the main character. I wanted to be an actor so every time I write I see myself playing one of the characters. It’s like in my mind this story is already a drama. That way it makes me feel connected to my the characters.

Q: Chasing the Dream is described as fiction but grounded in real-life challenges. Can you tell us about how you balance imagination with the reality of everyday struggles?

A: I always tell myself that what I am imagining is not exactly real even though it can be relatable. Sometimes I see someone going through something and I quickly remember that I wrote something similar to this.

Q: Many authors hope their stories will resonate with readers. What do you hope readers will understand after reading your book?

A: I want readers to understand that life is not fair to all of us, I want them to stop judging others without hearing their stories or understanding their situations. I want them to be inspired and motivated to keep working hard on achieving their goals. But most importantly, I want them to see the importance of creating a better society.

Q: I admire your dedication to being a voice for the voiceless. How do you see your storytelling as a means of giving a voice to those you may feel unheard?

A: People go through a lot out there, whether spiritually, financially, academically, emotionally and physically. They are scared to share their stories or they don’t have a platform to share them. So as a writer I feel when I write a story similar to theirs I become their voice.

Kamogelo Masoga

Q: In Chasing the Dream, are there any stories that you feel particularly connected to? If so, what makes them special to you?

A: I feel more connected to the first story, Chasing the Dream, because it defines a journey of someone who wants his dream to come true and is working hard to make sure he achieves his goal. And that is what exactly what I’m doing, I’m chasing a dream of being a successful writer and I work hard day and night to make that a reality.

Q: As readers get into Chasing the Dream, what do you hope they will remember about it long after reading it?

A: That it’s never too late to dream, it’s okay to dream big, and that as a society we should hold hands to fight social issues that bring nothing but heartache to our lives.

Q: Would you say your book is targeted at a younger or older audience?

A: My book targets teenagers and adults, because the stories in the book focus on the issues faced by adults and teenagers.

Q: What does writing mean to you beyond the craft itself? Where can readers obtain a copy of the book?

A: Writing to me means I’m doing what I love and was born to do. I do it effortlessly and it makes me happy. People who wish to buy a copy can connect with me on my socials @kamotheauthor

* Masonga is a 26-year-old author based in Limpopo

Cape Times

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