Three dead, two wounded in yet another mass shooting in Khayelitsha

A 72-hour activation plan had been initiated, and an urgent appeal was made to the public for information that could assist police with the investigation.

A 72-hour activation plan had been initiated, and an urgent appeal was made to the public for information that could assist police with the investigation.

Published Oct 12, 2022


Cape Town - Yet another shooting in Khayelitsha claimed the lives of three people and landed two others in hospital.

In the latest in a spate of shootings in the area, five people were shot in Harare, Siphendule Crescent on Monday.

Three people were killed and two were taken to hospital for medical attention.

Police spokesperson Andre Traut said a 72-hour activation plan had been initiated, and an urgent appeal was made to the public for information that could assist police with the investigation.

“SAPS detectives are probing the circumstances that left three men aged 24, 30, and 32 fatally wounded and two others, both aged 30 with critical gunshot wounds last night in Harare.

“It is believed that unknown suspects entered a residence in Siphendule Crescent at around 8.05pm and opened fire at the occupants, before fleeing the scene empty-handed.

“The two wounded victims were admitted to a medical facility for treatment.

“The motive for the murders and attempted murders are yet to be determined,” said Traut.

Two weeks ago, five people between the ages of 21 and 38 were shot and wounded at 7.30pm in Site B, Khayelitsha.

Harare ward councillor, Anele Gabuza, said SAPS needed to form a task team that would focus on mass shootings.

“It can’t be that every month there are mass shootings and we just continue with life as normal.

“The minister has had many imbizos in Khayelitsha but these criminals seem not to care at all because they are not being arrested.

“A task team needs to be formed to look at these mass shootings and look at who is behind them and what is the reason for them.

“What we as the community need to work on, is to work with SAPS in providing them with information, and also SAPS needs to keep safe those who provide with information.

“There is definitely a person who has information regarding this shooting but that person is afraid to come forward because of safety,” said Gabuza.

Community Safety MEC Reagen Allen said Khayelitsha has not been allocated sufficient resources.

“Barely 10 days after five people were shot and wounded in Khayelitsha, SAPS informs me that they were investigating the fatal shooting of three men and the attempted murder of two others who sustained gunshot wounds and are in a critical condition in a medical facility. From an intelligence perspective, the need exists for immediate improvement. From a resource perspective, it boggles my mind that there are not more SAPS boots on the ground in the area.

It’s all good and well to activate a 72-hour plan and have a greater presence for a short while, but it means nothing if that presence is not sustained,” said Allen.

Anyone with information can anonymously contact Crime Stop at 086 0010 111 or SMS Crime Line at 32211.

Cape Times