WATCH: Political parties lay out coalition stances ahead of post-election talks

Independent Media hosted an election panel in Cape Town where civil society representatives also had the opportunity to ask the tough questions. Picture: Leon Lestrade/Independent Newspapers

Independent Media hosted an election panel in Cape Town where civil society representatives also had the opportunity to ask the tough questions. Picture: Leon Lestrade/Independent Newspapers

Published May 13, 2024


Who will the parties contesting the 2024 national and provincial election go with to bed after the May 29 elections?

That was the question posed to 10 parties that participated in a panel election debate organised by Independent Media at the Artscape on Friday.

Political analyst and “Cape Times” columnist, Nkosikhulule Nyembezi moderated the discussion.

While some parties were not shy to name who they would not enter into a coalition with, others ruled out those parties with “corrupt” leaders and said they would be guided by their values.

National Coloured Congress leader Fadiel Adams said his party had not had a discussion about coalitions.

“If our people ask us to, most definitely,” he said.

ACDP deputy leader Wayne Thring said: “We will not form a coalition with the ANC or the EFF. We have been clear regarding that.”

EFF’s Nazier Paulsen said they would not form a coalition with any “Oppenheimer, Rupert or Zionist-funded parties because they did not act in the interest of the people.

“We will form a coalition with those people who prioritise the poor and working class people of Cape Town and the Western Cape,” Paulsen said.

Rise Mzansi Western Cape premier candidate Axolile Notywala said there was a need to start developing mature politics and that there were coalitions that have worked in the country.

“There are values where we say if there are unconstitutional views from any of those parties, if there is corruption from any leaders of those parties, we are not to form a coalition with any of those parties,” Notywala said.

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Alliance of Citizens for Change (ACC) secretary-general Nkosekhaya Lala said none of the contesting parties will get an outright majority.

“Our focus is to tell the people to vote for ACC. After the elections, if a party is as concerned as we are about the murder rate in South Africa and believes in the death penalty, then we can talk. There is no conversation if you don’t believe that,” Lala said.

ANC provincial spokesperson Khalid Sayed said his party would work as it had already worked with political formations which they identified with and shared value systems and did not make it difficult to implement the core values of their manifesto.

“These elections take place in a context where our sovereignty is under siege, we see our flag being burned and people see assistance from the US and Israel.

“That already should tell you who we will not work with. We will work with political parties that are able to share the same value system as ours,” Sayed said in a veiled reference to the DA.

Build One South Africa premier candidate Lumka Mquqo said South Africans would let them know who they want around the table.

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“We will work with any party that believes in our 10-point plan and shares the values we share.

“We definitely won’t work with unethical leaders or leaders that have...proved unethical,” Mquqo said.Aljama-ah’s Farouz Nagia said although coalitions were a reality, they wanted to stand on their own to represent their constituency.

“We are looking at who shares our values,” Nagia said adding they would not enter into coalition with parties that advocate Zionism and free market to the detriment of the country’s economy.

GOOD party leader Patricia de Lille said they have a mandate from their congress to engage after the election on any coalitions.

“But a decision as to who we will go within a coalition will be made by the national executive of the party, not just on the basis of positions,” De Lille said.

The DA’s Reagen Allen said his party was championing the Multiparty Charter, a coalition with like-minded opposition parties opposed to the ANC and EFF governing the country.

Cape Times