Innovative ways to reduce your electricity bill this winter

Published May 8, 2018


Winter can be a tight season for homeowners. The cold, wet weather translates into more nights spent at home, which can cause electricity bills to rocket, says the regional director and chief executive of RE/MAX of Southern Africa, Adrian Goslett.

“Many homeowners live according to strict budgets, so it would be helpful for them to consider ways of reducing their electricity consumption during this season," he says.

"Beyond this, a lowered electric bill is also a more environmentally responsible way of living, which is something we should all be striving towards.

“Of course, following those dark days of load shedding (excuse the pun) in 2015, everybody should be well aware of the obvious electricity savers, such as unplugging all your appliances when they’re not in use, filling your washing machines and dishwashers with a full (not half) load before switching them on, making use of geyser blankets, and installing ceiling insulation for heating and cooling purposes."

Goslett says there are loads of other subtle tricks homeowners can try.

One such electricity saving tip he shares is to plug all your appliances into a power strip. That way you only have to unplug one device to prevent all your appliances from drawing a phantom charge from the power socket.

Dust on the light bulbs in your lamps is another “phantom” electricity thief.

“The dustier your light bulbs, the less light they provide, which means you are more likely to switch on additional lights to brighten the space - especially during winter when the evenings and mornings get darker earlier.

Another thing homeowners often do not realise is that freezers and fridges use less electricity when filled to their recommended capacities. 

Each item over the recommended capacity will increase electricity usage by between 10% to 20%. A similar effect occurs when the appliances are too empty.

"Homeowners should consider the needs of their household carefully before purchasing a fridge and freezer.”

Continuing on the topic of things many homeowners are unaware of, Goslett prompts them to empty the dust bag on their vacuum cleaners regularly.

“Vacuum cleaners draw a lot more electricity when the dust bag is full, which is why it is best to empty the bag every time you use it.

“Setting your washing machine to a cold cycle is yet another simple way to save electricity - a bonus is that you do not need to separate your lights and darks because the cold water is less likely to make the colours run.”

As a final piece of advice, Goslett encourages homeowners to spend less time in front of their screens and more time engaging with their loved ones.

“The biggest electricity thief in winter is the television. We tend to hibernate in front of it when the weather does not allow us to go outdoors. 

"Board games and conversations are a great way to stay entertained on rainy days without using any electricity.” 

For more information, visit

Kayla Cloete


RE/MAX of Southern Africa

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