Introduce stringent rules to prevent ugly scenes in Parliament

File photo: African News Agency (ANA)

File photo: African News Agency (ANA)

Published Nov 15, 2018


Politicians, the wealthy and celebrities monopolise the media with desire for more glory.

This selfish agenda often monopolises the media to which the rest of us are subjected.

Example, although national elections are months away, politicians have already begun abusing each other.

Recently some MPs physically attacked others in Parliament, live on TV.

What must regular people think when witnessing such thuggery. Thugs that rob people at the bus stop etc have more dignity. The thug shows you a weapon, then demands your valuables.

Politicians insult each other and when some cannot handle the comeback, violence ensues.

Questions: how do taxpayers gain from the ugly fights in Parliament? Since an ordinary MP earns nearly R1million, why do politicians think it is okay when they display their ego-driven machismo at the expense of taxpayers? Is this thuggery intended to engender respect or draw votes?

The constant childish attention-seeking of some politicians must end. Their need for fame must not be at the cost of the serenity of our nation. People lose respect for Parliament when MPs behave like thugs. Some may think that if MPs can behave in that manner then it must be okay.

To prevent chaos in Parliament, we must introduce new rules. Example, enforced intelligence and psychometric exam for all politicians. If they cannot pass Grade 10 maths or read and write acceptably in at least two South African languages, they cannot become MPs.

Those prone to emotional and physical outbursts can be identified via the testing and receive therapy.

Also, if an MP is impolite, the Speaker must issue an instant R5 000 fine. If they interject uselessly, a R2000 fine will shut them up. 

Why can a point of order or clarity not wait until after the person (on the floor) has spoken. Often there are so many interruptions, it is impossible to follow the discussion

If persons cannot behave with dignity in Parliament, what possible value can they offer our nation?

Councillor Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress

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