Need to double the number of traffic officers



Published Dec 18, 2017


During normal times the traffic in Cape Town is horrific. Drivers shoot through red traffic lights, ignore pedestrian crossings when the green man shows for pedestrians.

Cars turn right from Adderley Street into Darling Street, ignoring the no right-turn sign.

Cars with no disabled discs park in reserved disabled parking bays.

The parking wardens have no right to ticket those cars, but they should have the right to ticket those cars.

Pedestrians cross in Adderley Street, near Woolworths, not taking notice of the right of way of the cars.

Not a traffic officer anywhere to be seen and those are only some of the problems we have in Cape Town.

This has to stop.

Now, with the influx of visitors to our city, it is not only horrific, but a nightmare.

We need traffic officers on control points, especially at busy intersections in the city, like the Foreshore.

We need traffic officers to patrol on motor bikes.

When will the Foreshore bridges be completed? That would help to reduce congestion at intersections.

We probably need to double the number of traffic officers.

That would create employment in an important sector and contribute to the safety and security of every citizen.

We need to pay them salaries similar to commercial salaries. That would make Cape Town a safer place.

As a Sea Point resident, I would like to suggest that mirrors be placed on poles, so that cars coming out of the side street, into High Level Road, are able to see if it is safe to turn into the  road. Make Cape Town safe.

Markus Elkana Brajtman

Sea Point 

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