On White Wednesday, dress to celebrate greed and privilege

Premier Helen Zille Photo: INLSA

Premier Helen Zille Photo: INLSA

Published Dec 13, 2017


I am dreaming of a White Wednesday, one that has never been before. It has been a colourful year so one more colourful day should be fine, having had a Black Monday and Black Friday this Wednesday can become a national public holiday eventually.

The object of this beautiful Wednesday will be to allow people like Helen Zille and Donald Trump to wear pure white designer outfits in solidarity with all the white folk who have to give an honest account of the pitfalls of the ongoing tragedy of “white privilege”.

For one day of the year they must just be honest with themselves and reflect on exactly how they came to be the greediest bunch of fools in many areas of the world, not just here in our own backyard.

By no means, will this be a gesture of forgiveness but should rather be a way of seeking the origins of this greed and then we would easily be able to deal with this issue.

In most cases, it began hundreds of years ago but the beauty of that fact is that we have evolved into the digital realm so my dreams are googleable.

So like that idiot that is trumping all over people's affairs we should immediately summon the leaders of the countries that have caused us the most angst.

Donald Trump File photo: AP

The Dutch leader and Queen of England must be the first then the other sorry bunch must be summoned including the dishonourable Donald Dump.

I am sure he calls our country “Mandela Land”.

In our neck of the woods the description takes an all too familiar twist with the term of “apartheid” a lovely Afrikaans word that has become “English”.

Nonetheless, the history of this greed is easily accessible now, although the transgressions began hundreds of years ago.

We can easily identify the morons who have wreaked havoc on our shores.

I believe that the only way we can deal with this crises of “white privilege” here on our lovely shores, is to hold those countries accountable for the return of the descendants whom they sent hundreds of years ago.

Those fiercely independent Dutch Afrikaner Boers that own most of our fertile land will have big tears in their eyes as the representatives of “Dutchland” tell them the truth.

I don’t care if they were part of the “Great Trek”, they have no reason to want to own all the resources of our country while children are suffering from malnutrition.

Our sorry bunch of post-independence politicians are not to blame for our country’s woes. They just continued along the well-mapped trajectory of personal greed as a short-term pacifier.

The long-term sunset clause was obliterated in the fat payouts they received and continued receiving to the point that currently on our political front we do not have one public servant citizen that will not be wearing white on that iconic “White Wednesday”.

Needless to say, there will be a bunch of whites that won’t wear white and likewise I envisage quite a few Africans wearing white as well, as will lots of previously disadvantaged citizens who will engage all our top white fashion designers to design them something white.

It should be considered a day of joy and great rejoicing and should take place on a grand scale to the point where even Cape Town City soccer club will have to forgo the stadium to allow the festivities of this honesty pledge of the “White Wednesday” as one by one they recall the horrible crimes of their ancestors here in our hood.

Definitely a fan walk and colour spray parade should precede events and without haste prior to the great Wednesday event all the antiquated historical monuments should be removed that honour the unjust society they have created.

And we can insist that the Queen takes that statue of the Queen back to her land.

Obviously here in our situation the whole affair, will be water-wise so as to save the poor golf courses.

You may think I am a dreamer but I am not the only one.

* Wentworth is a practising magician and creative artist and Cape Town is his home town.

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