#TotalShutdown: 'I was reminded that I was not alone' (VIDEO)

Carin Bester leads the march in Cape Town against gender-based violence under the banner of #TheTotalShutDown campaign, which highlights that South African women have little to celebrate during Women’s Month, given the current high rate of abuse. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/ African News Agency (ANA)

Carin Bester leads the march in Cape Town against gender-based violence under the banner of #TheTotalShutDown campaign, which highlights that South African women have little to celebrate during Women’s Month, given the current high rate of abuse. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/ African News Agency (ANA)

Published Aug 2, 2018


The power of women who are united was fully demonstrated yesterday, as hundreds of women stayed away from work to make a point - that we won’t be victims any longer; it is my body, not your crime scene.

As a journalist and a woman from the Cape Flats, the brutality woman face is a scary reality I am faced with almost daily.

I have listened to reports of brutality, and reported on it, and wished there was something I could do to take the pain away. Something I could do to change the way perpetrators of violence thought - to teach them that we are princesses and queens who should be respected and cherished.

I have been a victim of abuse and harassment but I have remained silent about it, as many of us do out of fear, and sometimes because of doubt. Yesterday, as hundreds of women marched, sang, danced, screamed and shared painful stories together, I was reminded that I was not alone, that someone believed me and understood.

I could feel that through continued activism, one day our dream of equality, safety and freedom would be realised.

The placards of victims of gender-based violence carried during the #TotalShutdown march served as a chilling reminder why the women were marching. Video: Louis Neethling

There is a beauty in being a woman that goes beyond a glossy magazine cover. It is in her strength, in her ability to carry on, in her ability to open up and show her vulnerability no matter what they might think. Femininity is what brings balance in this patriarchal world. Yet women are often overlooked, undervalued and undermined.

Imagine having to be vigilant, have eyes in the back of your head, because you are afraid of being attacked or raped. Raising children on your own, working a full day, coming home to cook, play with your kids, clean them and put them to bed, and even when you feel it’s all too much you keep going because the survival of the family depends on you.

Afraid to say no because it might cost you an opportunity, jeopardise relationships that could make or break your career. Always being conscious of your weight, walking on eggshells because he might snap again. Making excuses for the blue eye he gave you.

These are but some of the daily challenges South African women face. There is much to be done and it is time the government takes note and makes a bigger effort to make us feel safe and show us they are on our side. #TheTotalShutDown is us saying enough is enough, and we will fuss and fight until you act.

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