We're taxed to death while corrupt cheats prosper

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo at the State Capture inquiry. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA)

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo at the State Capture inquiry. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jan 31, 2019


Mr President, I do not claim to speak for the poor, but along with many readers, I ask you to get cracking on bringing to book all those implicated in corruption.

Stop penalising us, via duplicate taxation on our hard earned money - taxing our initial earnings, then taxing us again on everything we buy and then, for those of us who are frugal and financially astute enough to have invested our money to try to keep abreast of spiralling costs, tax those earnings as well.

It seems your fiscus gatherers are going after our money and investments while allowing high-end crooks (those being investigated for wholesale theft and corruption) escape being apprehended and made to pay back their ill-gotten gains.

Follow the money trail to snag even those paid in cash, as alleged in the state capture hearings.

Lifestyle checks will enable you to get proof that they are “living above heir salaried status”. Then go after those businesses that cook their books to escape tracing undercover corrupt payments, plus the huge amounts of money they hide from taxation via false invoicing for goods never delivered, projects never done and ghost deals. 

Obscene amounts of money are being exchanged for illegally obtained contracts, illegal dealing in tobacco products and a myriad of other corrupt schemes.

You run the risk of losing the votes required to support your sound promises of what should be done.

John Knottenbelt


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