What about the rich enclave leading SA?

File photo: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency (ANA)

File photo: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jan 15, 2019


Michael Donen spins an interesting view on the recent issues at the Clifton beaches (January 14).

He berates those wealthy enough to live there and refers to the inequalities of South Africa as if they were all due to the residents of that “enclave”.

He, however, makes no reference to the rich enclave leading the main party within South Africa who have enjoyed power for almost a quarter of a century.

Surely they need to be equally chastised for their inability to do more for those less well-off, especially given their mismanagement of the state coffers - the resources of which should have gone elsewhere.

These are supposed to be the champions of the previously disadvantaged and poor of this country.

Yet the pictures of them sipping champagne and eating cake at the weekend were reminiscent of the great excesses of the French nobility, which led to the storming of the Bastille to which Donen refers.

Had the resources siphoned off been used properly, those he suggests should move their shacks to the beaches of Clifton would have no need to do so. They would be in proper housing, have had proper education, be employed in proper jobs and be playing a proper part within a remodelled South Africa.

Instead, they are living on the sidelines with little hope and only of interest as voting fodder every few years, or to make a political point by those who claim to have their interests at heart.

Derek Salter

Sea Point

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