What disciplinary steps will hospital staff​ face for snubbing boy?

File photo: INLSA

File photo: INLSA

Published Dec 13, 2017


I refer to the article in the Cape Times December 12: “Hospital turns mother away".

I assisted this mother who is a friend of mine by going to the hospital to obtain both sides of the story when she was sent home.

I was told by the doctor concerned that she “should have given the child Panado if I had thought about it”.

She confirmed that she had sent the child home with no treatment whatsoever.

A five-year-old boy in severe pain because of a fractured clavicle.

How shocking. 

Will disciplinary steps be taken against this doctor or will our children from Masiphumelele be subjected to this lack of caring forever?

When I became extremely angry, mostly because of the casual and laughing attitude of the same doctor, and demanded to speak with the superintendent of the hospital on the phone, this superintendent informed me that she would have security remove me from the hospital.

I ask again: what disciplinary action will be taken against the doctor concerned?

Rosemary Milbank

Fish Hoek

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