Intermittent power cuts delay resumption of road rage trial

Dean Charnley was shot and killed in a road rage incident in Everton Road, in Kloof, last year. Pensioner Anthony Edward Ball is on trial in the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court for the murder. Picture: Facebook

Dean Charnley was shot and killed in a road rage incident in Everton Road, in Kloof, last year. Pensioner Anthony Edward Ball is on trial in the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court for the murder. Picture: Facebook

Published Aug 14, 2023


Durban – The murder trial against pensioner Anthony Ball was expected to resume on Monday in the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court.

Ball is charged with the murder of Dean Charnley who was shot and killed last year in a road rage incident at the Everton Road turn-off from the M13 in Kloof.

Proceedings in the matter have not yet begun as the court has been experiencing power outages. These last no longer than 15 minutes and then the power returns.

This has happened three times already.

The Daily News has not yet established the cause of these power cuts.

Since the court tea break ended at 11.30am there have been no further outages.

The State in Ball's matter intends to call two more witnesses, one of which is a police officer.

At the last court appearance, the State had indicated that the officer would be called to testify about the arrest of the accused and the other witness would give testimony related to the incident.

Ball’s version is that he was on the way home and while on the M13 Charnley tailgated him, and in Everton Road Charnley stopped his Nissan in front of Ball’s Subaru and got out.

Charnley allegedly came towards him shouting and hit the roof of Ball’s car with his hand.

A warning shot was fired out of the Subaru’s open window by Ball before Charnley reached him.

Ball alleges that Charnley grabbed him through the window and partially opened the door, grabbing the gun which he still held on to, and that the second, fatal, shot went off inadvertently during a scuffle.

Previous testimony from a State witness was that there had been no scuffle and that, in fact, it had been the Subaru that blocked the Nissan from overtaking more than once on the M13.

The trial was set down to be heard on Monday and August 21.

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