Miss KZN Queen finalist shines light on mental health

Miss KZN Queen 2024 finalist, Nothando Busisiwe Mngadi is a Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology graduate and a mental health advocate from Hillary, Durban. Picture: Supplied

Miss KZN Queen 2024 finalist, Nothando Busisiwe Mngadi is a Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology graduate and a mental health advocate from Hillary, Durban. Picture: Supplied

Published May 31, 2024


Durban — Her journey through balancing her studies and career has led Miss KwaZulu-Natal Queen 2024 finalist Nothando Busisiwe Mngadi, 23, to focus on mental health awareness.

Mngadi, who holds a Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology, and calls herself “a visionary from Hillary” has dedicated her Mondays to motivating others on social media.

Mngadi said her biggest challenge has been balancing her academic commitments with her advocacy work. Also, as a postgraduate student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, she has had to manage her time effectively to excel in both areas.

She has aimed to see that balance and wellness in others.

“My journey began with the inspiration I drew from Mbali Zinyanga, the third runner-up of Miss KZN Queen 2023. Attending the organisation’s conference at the Royal Hotel solidified my desire to leverage the pageant platform to advocate for mental health and women’s empowerment.”

“Throughout my journey, I have been dedicated to motivating and empowering others through my Monday Motivations series on social media. These weekly posts provide inspiration and practical advice on self-management and mental fortitude,” she said.

She also said she deeply admires the Miss KZN Queen advocacy, embodied in the motto: “You empower a woman, you feed a nation”, and that it resonates deeply with her values.

“My strategic approach includes securing resources and collaborating with key stakeholders to host mental health events and support GBV victims, initiatives I believe will transform lives and communities,” she said.

Miss KZN Queen 2024 finalist Nothando Busisiwe Mngadi is a Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology graduate and mental health advocate from Hillary, Durban Picture: Supplied

Mngadi said she began her modelling career by showcasing designer clothes.

“However, transitioning to the world of pageantry has been a profound experience because, in pageantry, you are selling yourself and your ideals. I entered pageantry because I loved the element of contributing to the community and engaging in meaningful conversations.

“While my beauty may capture the viewers’ attention, it is the impactful messages I share that will sustain it. Pageantry provides a platform to not only advocate for important causes but also to make a tangible difference in the lives of others,” said Mngadi.

She said her biggest career moment to date was making it as a finalist for Miss KZN Queen 2024/2025.

“This achievement has allowed me to use my platform to advocate for mental health and women’s empowerment, causes that are deeply important to me. Additionally, being featured in this Daily News article will be a significant milestone, bringing wider recognition to my efforts and allowing me to reach an even broader audience with my message.

“This feature has truly been one of the best things to happen in my career, highlighting my journey and the impact I strive to make,” she said.

She said her message to all young women aspiring to achieve their dreams is: “Believe in yourself and never underestimate the power of your potential. Success is not a destination, but a journey filled with challenges, learning experiences and personal growth. Embrace every opportunity to learn, even from failures, because each setback is a stepping stone towards your ultimate goal and builds a resilient mindset that can withstand adversity and focus on nurturing your mental health,” she said.

This year, Mngadi’s plans include securing resources and collaborating with key stakeholders to host mental health events and transform lives and communities through these initiatives, while continuing her postgraduate studies and sharing motivational content to uplift her community.

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