Public outrage over torching of three dogs and SPCA vehicle

Three dogs were burnt alive inside a Ford Bantam belonging to the SPCA. Picture: Supplied.

Three dogs were burnt alive inside a Ford Bantam belonging to the SPCA. Picture: Supplied.

Published May 21, 2024


Durban — The public is outraged at the torching of three dogs and an SPCA vehicle.

A Ford Bantam belonging to the Lower South Coast SPCA in Uvongo was set alight along with three dogs in the vehicle on Sunday evening in Nkampini.

In a statement, Lower South Coast SPCA manager Mike Davis said the SPCA received a notification from their vehicle tracking company after 6.40pm, indicating the vehicle’s tracker sent off an emergency signal. The tracking company, SPCA staff and the SAPS Search & Rescue Unit initiated a search for the driver and vehicle. At that stage, it was not known whether the vehicle was carrying animals.

“The vehicle was found, with three dogs in the vehicle, burnt alive. The suffering these animals would’ve endured is unimaginable. The driver was found unharmed but confused in the early hours of Monday,” Davis said.

“It is absolutely barbaric that anyone would commit such a heinous act against the SPCA, being a non-profit organisation with extremely limited resources. This struggling SPCA has been serving their community to the best of its ability, but this malicious act has brought its operational capacity to a standstill.”

Davis said the SPCA’s vehicles offer a lifeline to countless animals in need and without them the SPCA cannot reach animals needing help.

“This should be condemned by the community in the strongest terms and the South African Police Service is called upon to ensure swift and stringent action against those responsible,” Davis said.

The NSPCA appealed to all individuals, organisations and companies to assist the Lower South Coast SPCA with donations to replace or lend a vehicle. With already limited resources, they cannot afford to go a day without a vehicle.

Donations can be made directly to the Lower South Coast SPCA at:

  • BANK: Nedbank Limited
  • Branch code 198765
  • Account no. 1184618100
  • Reference: Vehicle

This is how the public reacted to the incident online:

Nafisa Desbois said: “What? Really this is so sad and unbelievable!! This is cruelty at a whole new level.”

Christine Kuch said: “Beyond barbaric. My heart goes out to the LSC SPCA people. Beyond words as I am unable to express the extent of my sadness.”

Antoinette Anderson said: “Please note this is my personal feeling. This is the last thing they need. They only have 3 vehicles to cover the South Coast. My heart goes out to the inspectorate, all the staff there. God bless those 3 dogs that died, they walk with God now. Please say a prayer for the SPCA Lower South as all they do is help. They need our prayers now.”

Veena Padayachee said: “Please catch the culprit who did this cruelty. It is sad.”

Diane McCarthy van Schoor asked: “What kind of people would do this?”

Kathy Horn Scholes said: “Beyond disgusting. Can't understand what they get out of doing this to animals. Hope your staff are ok.”

Mandi Sutherland said: “This is so disgusting. How can they burn those dogs? What have they done to anybody except give love.”

Hanlie Coetzee asked what was next. “How barbaric and shocking!”

Liesel-marie Brits said: “Absolutely cruel. How are we living amid such cruelty?”

Que Pasa said: “How truly shameful. I do hope the heaviest hand of the law will be dealt to the perpetrators. Let’s hope they are caught!!!”

WhatsApp your views on this story at 071 485 7995.

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