Urgent need for change at children’s home

The Aryan Benevolent Home in Chatsworth. Picture: Shelley Kjonstad/ Independent Newspapers

The Aryan Benevolent Home in Chatsworth. Picture: Shelley Kjonstad/ Independent Newspapers

Published Sep 27, 2024


The Aryan Benevolent Home board has announced the closure of the children’s home after a series of mishaps. The shocking mistreatment of children – including physical and emotional abuse, and even being slapped with wet towels – has come to light. Most definitely the board is moving in the right direction. This horrific reality underscores the glaring inadequacy of the current management.

The MEC report’s validation of these claims only reinforces the urgent need for change. The incumbent board’s inability to respond constructively to these findings seals their fate, they must step down.

My appeal to Logan Naidu, director of Child Welfare Chatsworth, is to leave no stone unturned in bringing the perpetrators to book. The well-being and safety of the children must be the top priority. To ensure this, I suggest the MEC, going forward, installs an interim management team. This action will safeguard the children’s interests and prevent further suffering under an incompetent board.

Love the quote of Nelson Mandela: “The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children.”


The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Daily News

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