Janez Vermeiren launches digital platform to help youth hone their craft

Janez Vermeiren. Picture: Supplied

Janez Vermeiren. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 16, 2020


Former model and television host Janez Vermeiren, who also has his own production company, has created an online platform to help young creatives find innovative ways to reach their target audience through film and video content.

Vermeiren refers to himself as the “Chief Mover and Shaker” of the online portal, titled Fylmer.tv. The aim of the platform is to connect filmmakers, production companies, animators, editors, and content creators to brands and clients around the world.

The former “Top Billing” presenter and his business partner, filmmaker Peri van Papendorp, have spent years discussing the challenges faced in the creative space and began building the platform in 2019.

“The aim was to create an alternative to the traditional model that would assist the industry and change the current narrative,” explained Vermeiren.

Commenting on how the platform will benefit young creatives, especially now when the entertainment industry has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, Vermeiren offered: ”Well, the industry has slowed down, but film and video production are open again, albeit with new restrictions in place.

“So this platform will massively benefit young creatives by giving them an opportunity to access more briefs, more clients, and more budgets, and be able to pitch their ideas, insights and treatments to these brands, agencies and record labels, and then win commissions on the wide range of film and video jobs out there for TV and digital.”

Vermeiren also touched on the challenges young creatives are facing in the industry. He revealed: “The market is saturated, specifically in the film and television industry, and there are just so many young creatives coming out of film schools or creative colleges who just won't be able to break into production companies or find work easily, but who are still incredibly talented filmmakers and creators.

He added: “So, the challenge right now is getting access to the briefs, clients and budgets that will allow them to shoot video productions, hone their craft further, grow their showreels and build their careers. 

"The good news is that there’s never been this amount of social and digital channels and platforms to express your ability and creativity through, and video content is in serious demand, so while it's never been more competitive than it is now, it really does feel like now is a good time to be pursuing a career in creativity.”  

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