Rami Chuene weighs in on homosexuality in the Bible debate

Rami Chuene. Picture: Instagram/Mlungisi Mlungwana

Rami Chuene. Picture: Instagram/Mlungisi Mlungwana

Published Oct 13, 2020


South African actress Rami Chuene has weighed in on the Bible and homosexuality debate after the first episode of Phat Joe’s show “Cheeky Palate” sparked a public outcry.

In case you missed it, the episode caused an uproar on social media after guest Gerry Elsdon made homophobic comments.

The inaugural episode of the show focused on spirituality, and Phat Joe decided to kick things off by discussing homosexuality.

This also provoked a backlash because there wasn’t a single member from the LGBTQI+ community present.

When Gerry Elsdon’s turn came to share her thoughts about homosexuality and spirituality, she said: “It is in the Bible. The word of God is very specific … The bottom line is the word of God is very clear that homosexuality is a sin.”

This comment was slammed by members from the LGBTQI+ community who called her out for using religion to make homophobic statements

The “Isono” actress also weighed in, sharing her thoughts on Twitter: “Homosexuality has always been the easy target because it is the only natural thing classified as unnatural, labelled as a behaviour in the Bible. And that’s the first mistake. A big mistake.”

— Rami Chuene🌈🏳️‍🌈 (@ramichuene) October 11, 2020

Responding to her statement, one Twitter user tried to imply that being gay or queer is influenced by the media.

They also asked why there were more gay people now than in the past.

— Lekokomoga Ntweng (@MahlomolaMalaka) October 11, 2020

To which Chuene replied: “Do you have a problem with having “many gay people today”?

The user responding: “Homosexuality is not natural because the same gays/lesbians are products of opposite sex partners. So basically it actually disrupts nature, all people who choose to be gay choose to defy the rules of nature … A man has sex with a woman so that a child can be born.”

Chuene chose to end the argument, saying: “You’re basically proving my tweet. Back in the day I’d fight you but I came to understand that I can’t change a man stuck in his ways. I keep it moving.”

— Rami Chuene🌈🏳️‍🌈 (@ramichuene) October 11, 2020

In an apparent response to the outcry, Elsdon posted a picture on Instagram of herself wearing a clerical collar, captioning it: “Lord I stand on and by your Word. And I stand on your promises.

“And with a joyful heart I honour you as I openly declare Romans 1:6 I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.

“Thank you Pastor @tim.grage for this beautiful photograph.”

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