Kevin Feige feels like a 'failure' when actors turn down Marvel movie roles

Published Jan 1, 2020


Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige feels like a failure when big actors turn down roles in blockbuster Marvel films.

The 46-year-old film producer - who has been President of Marvel Studios since 2007 - deals with rejection on a regular bases as actors turn down iconic roles in the blockbuster franchise, but has said he can't help feeling as though he's done something wrong when big names walk away from movie deals.

Speaking at a Q&A at New York Film Academy, Kevin said: "It happened the other day, with an actor. There's an actor we want for something, they come in, you give a big pitch and you can sort of tell they're not into it. [You think] 'I guess I'm a failure, I'll show them, we'll cast somebody even better.' "

But Kevin is determined to keep his head high as he continues in his search for the right actor.

He added: "So, it's just part of it and don't linger on them, is what I usually try to do, don't think too much about it, don't stew in it, move on quickly."

The MCU producer has also used the same approach when it comes to making movies.

He said: "The truth is, we came about as a studio in an interesting way. We were tasked with making two movies in 2008. I had been a part of Marvel up until that point for about five or six years."

Kevin used his knowledge and connections on set to gather up the experience for when the Marvel Cinematic Universe was formed in 2008.

He explained: "I learned that just by sort of ingratiate yourself with the filmmakers and having them realise I was just excited to be there, I was just excited to be near a movie and near a group of people making a movie, so I got to learn what to do, what not to do. So, by the time we became our own studio and got our own financing to make Iron Man, we got to use everything I learned, good and bad, to try to focus our own vision on what we wanted."

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