NGC: WarioWare Mega Party Games

Published Dec 13, 2006


Waaaaaaaaario! He's back with his arrogant sense of humor to invade your GameCube!

300 mini-games

WW:MPGI (WarioWare Mega Party Games Inc.), like other WarioWare Games, features a host of brand new mini-games to keep you on your toes. There are over 300 mini-games in this incarnation of the game. Yip, just about one for every day of the year! And if you don't control yourself, you may just find yourself playing this game all of the time, writes Justin of EL33TONLINE.

This is a game that is made for multiplayer fun. There is a substantial singleplayer side to the game, but you won't want to play it alone as its far more fun to get a bunch of friends together and battle it out (also if you play it alone, you may be accused of "having too much practice" by other players in the multiplayer maul).

The perfect party game, somehow Nintendo seems to have this formula down. They are able to create games that can be picked up really easily so newbies don't feel intimidated, but at the same time hardcore gamers will still find it challenging.

Pop in the disc and you'll be presented with the WarioWare franchise's zany cartoon fashioned art style, basic and fun.

If you don't know how WarioWare games work, let me give you the low down… Players are presented with numerous mini-games in quick succession to one another, asking you to perform a relatively simple execution to a situation. For instance, a silhouetted man is running along a pathway and hurdles start to approach, the screen shows "JUMP!" and when needed you simply press 'A' and the man jumps. Crash into the hurdle you fail; last until the game is finished (usually about five seconds) and you are the winner!

Smooth gameplay

The gameplay runs smoothly into each game and the controls are really intuitive, players will just know what button to press in response to the command. It's quite hard to explain but it's almost like the command triggers off a certain reaction in your brain and you will just know what you need to do. For instance, a fork is in a bowl of spaghetti and the command you are given is "TWIRL!" - somehow you just know you've got to rotate the analog stick. Ok, you might not get this at first but after playing a couple of mini-games you'll understand what the game wants you to do in future mini-games.

There are twelve different multiplayer modes, each one different from the next, and yes there are a couple that are really dodgy and should be avoided, but mostly they are good. This is a screaming, fast, cursing, action game and will literally see you rolling on the floor laughing - yes, believe it or not this is what happened when we were play testing it.

Some of the games rely solely on precision timing like the "stopwatch" mini-game that tells you to stop the watch on 5:00 seconds exactly. For some reason or other I always seem to be able to stop it exactly on 5:00, and you can imagine how frustrated my multiplayer buddies get when they've stopped their watches on 4:59 - prepare for a flurry of insults! It's all in good fun though.

Face paced and instant action. Put the game in, boot it up and you're quickly into some gameplay action. It's WarioWare at its best, the graphics, the insane sound clips and soundtrack all adds to the awesome experience.


Fast and fun action; the perfect party/multiplayer game.


None that I could think of.

Final thought:

A really, really, really great game! If you like your party games you'll love this game, your friends will love this game, your parents will love this game, hell even your pets will dig it. It's zany, crazy WarioWare mini-game madness and we just can't get enough of it!

Rating: 4 stars


Name: WarioWare Mega Party Games Inc.

Publisher: Nintendo

Developer: Nintendo

Platform: Nintendo GameCube

Review supplied by EL33TONLINE.

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