Dua Lipa's second album will be a 'party'

Singer Dua Lipa arrives at Amazon Music's Prime Day concert at the Hammerstein Ballroom on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, in New York. Picture: AP

Singer Dua Lipa arrives at Amazon Music's Prime Day concert at the Hammerstein Ballroom on Wednesday, July 10, 2019, in New York. Picture: AP

Published Sep 11, 2019


Dua Lipa has said her second album is "just a party", as she wants her fans to "dance through the whole record".

The 24-year-old singer is currently working on the follow-up to her self-titled debut record, which was released in 2017, and has said she wants her new material to get people on their feet and have them "dance through the whole record".

She said: "I feel like you could dance through the whole record. There's lots of nos­tal­gic ele­ments to it. There's a sam­ple in there from the 1930s. It's just a party."

The "New Rules" hitmaker is moving on from the sound of her first album, and says the new music is a change of musical direction.

She added: "It would prob­a­bly be risky if I wasn't risky with the next record. I don't think it would be as fun if I tried to recre­ate the first record. As an artist, you con­stant­ly want to grow and change your per­spec­tive and try some­thing new."

Dua already knows "exactly" what kind of record she wants to make for her second studio venture, and whilst she won't spill too many details about the album's content, she says she's recorded "50 or 60" songs.

The "New Love" singer said: "Before I start­ed, I knew my album title. I knew exact­ly what I was going to be mak­ing. There are some songs that are hap­py, some about heart­break, some about deal­ing with your life in public."

And the singer believes her new record will show a more confident side to her songwriting, as she's no longer nervous about speaking her mind and putting forward her own ideas.

Speaking to The Face magazine, she said: "[For my first album] I was sur­round­ed by peo­ple that had done this longer than me - I always felt like I wasn't good enough. I'd go into the stu­dio, the pro­duc­er would already have a beat or a track or some­thing we could write to, because I was still in the process of real­ly find­ing my sound. 

I would say [ideas], and when we didn't end up using those, I would kind of go back into my shell. It wasn't until I did 'Hot­ter than Hell' and 'Last Dance' that I start­ed fig­ur­ing it out, and things start­ed sound­ing a bit more cohe­sive. Now I'm not scared. As a writer, some­times you've got to be OK with say­ing some s**t, you know? There's no wrong answer. Some­thing could be amaz­ing, it could sound ridicu­lous, it could real­ly work."

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