Dream big, stay humble and healthy

Dream Big Stay Humble ambassador Takalani Netshipale speaking at Marion High School in Pietermaritzburg recently. Netshipale is a civil engineer and WomEng representative. Picture: Supplied

Dream Big Stay Humble ambassador Takalani Netshipale speaking at Marion High School in Pietermaritzburg recently. Netshipale is a civil engineer and WomEng representative. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 2, 2023


Durban - Non-profit organisation Dream Big Stay Humble will host a Women Making Moves programme next weekend to provide tips and guidance on being healthy physically and mentally while striving to reach their dreams.

“This year we decided to keep our core mission which is to inspire women and girls, but shifting the focus to female health and well-being,” said Mariam Razak, head of transformation and legal at Dream Big Stay Humble (DBSH).

“As important as our professional and personal goals are, we recognise that women often prioritise their families and the needs of others over their own, trying to achieve success in all areas of their lives,” said Razak, one of three DBSH organisers of the event.

“Often this comes at the expense of their health and well-being. This event is an opportunity for women to discover how important balance, self-care, and mental and physical health is to achieving holistic growth and living truly meaningful lives,” she said.

Founded in 2018, Dream Big Stay Humble is a non-profit organisation working to create a network of collaborative mentors to help young people achieve their desired career and personal goals.

Speakers will address a range of topics to do with female wellness, including their own journeys and practical advice to help women achieve balance.

An instructor will also lead a fitness class, after which a healthy, nutritious meal will be provided.

Participants can mingle with the event sponsors, most of them local female entrepreneurs, and with each other.

One of the panellists is former South African hockey and waterpolo player Marcelle Keet.

Razak said that having Keet share her sporting journey contributed to the overall message they were trying to send.

“The demands of life keep her on her toes but she always strives to prioritise her personal wellness through sports and fitness. We want to show women that while life can be extremely busy and demanding, it is necessary to prioritise your personal wellness.”

Women Making Moves will be held on September 9 at 1st Fitness Gym, Durban, between 10am and 1pm. For more information, visit Dreambig.stayhumble on Instagram.

The Independent on Saturday