Some good news in the gloom

Published Jan 27, 2023


Essential reading though it is, our lead story on Page 1 today does not make for pleasant reading.

We have balanced the gloom, though, with some positive news in other areas: education, entrepreneurship and sport.

uMlazi’s Menzi High School has established itself as a centre of excellence, consistently delivering good results.

The school was recognised yesterday for achieving a 100% matric pass rate for the 11th year running, showing the way for township schools, which are usually beset by several factors which would mitigate against such results.

The school maintained its record even through the Covid years, overcoming the challenge of reduced lessons.

Lessons in picking yourself up from rock bottom come from entrepreneurs Gugu Khumalo and Zinhle Maphanga.

Their success in re-establishing themselves after Covid and the July 2021 riots laid waste to their businesses means they now feature in a book, The Overcomers.

Both received much help, and I suppose that’s a lesson right there: don’t be afraid, or proud, to ask for help when you are down.

One of the defining traits of South Africans is our generosity ‒ there will be always be someone willing and able to help.

And making his name on the table, and doing the province and country proud, is pool player Mongezi Moeketsi, who articulates the benefits of involving youth in sports: you learn discipline and respect, and it keeps you out of trouble, aside from providing some income.

Hopefully someone hears his plea for sponsors to help grow the sport among the youth.

The Independent on Saturday