Aisha Pandor pays tribute to her mom, Minister Naledi Pandor on her retirement from politics

Taking to social media on Monday, Aisha speaks proudly of her mother, Naledi Pandor, a distinguished woman, politician, activist and ANC stalwart, and her life-long dedication to fighting for human rights and justice for all. Picture: Jason Boud

Taking to social media on Monday, Aisha speaks proudly of her mother, Naledi Pandor, a distinguished woman, politician, activist and ANC stalwart, and her life-long dedication to fighting for human rights and justice for all. Picture: Jason Boud

Published Jul 2, 2024


Praises from around the world are rolling in for Dr Naledi Pandor as she steps down from her position as minister of international relations and co-operation after serving as a Member of Parliament (MP) since 1994.

However, the most heartfelt tribute has come from her daughter, Aisha Pandor, the co-founder and chief executive of SweepSouth, which became the first South African startup to be accepted into the prestigious 500 Startups accelerator based in Silicon Valley in San Francisco.

Aisha spoke proudly of her mother and her life-long role as an activist on social media on Monday.

“My mom has been an ANC member and activist for all of my life. I share a birthday with the ANC, and for most of my life, I proudly spent Jan 8th with other family or friends, while my parents served the party.”

She went on to say how much her mother has inspired her through the years.

“Since I was almost 9 years old, she has served as a member of South Africa’s democratic government. During those three decades, she has led with dedication, integrity, intelligence, wisdom, a love for her country, and a focus on principles, those held high by her religion, upbringing, country and party.”

The closeness of their relationship is clear to everyone who reads her tribute.

“Yesterday I told her for countless time, how much I love her, how much she inspires me and how proud I am of her.”

Aisha also shared that she was looking forward to her hard-working mom taking a much needed break.

“I’m excited for this next stage in her life, which I know will be anything but idle. It will undoubtedly be focussed on creating positive impact and on continuing to champion the causes of the under-served, voiceless and powerless.”

She ended by saying, “I’m also hoping that as by far the most hard-working person I’ve ever met, she finally takes a bit of well-deserved time for rest. Very proud and grateful daughter, and hopeful for SA. May our country and people be blessed with peace, unity, growth and prosperity”.

From the reaction on social media, many others share her daughters respect and love for the outgoing MP.

Comments on X:

Prof Thuli Madonsela @ThuliMadonsela3

Heartfelt gratitude to your mom, former Minister of International Relations, Naledi Pandor for her service to our country and the world. She has served remarkably. May her next chapter involve a well deserved rest and some continued contribution to a better country and world #FarewellNalediPandor


And THIS is what an illustrious woman says about another legend!

Gavin matshusa @MatshusaGavin

The adorable Mother

David Mukhari @DavidMukhari

Prof, for starters, your latest updates regarding the role of the GNU in relation to the constitutional mandate to address equity has been fantastic. Then, on Minister Pandor….spot on. What a warrior. You too will get a Bulls Rugby jersey

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