The new normal, reshaping the world of work

Published Jun 15, 2020


We repeatedly talk about risk in a negative way, but it is equally vital to acknowledge there are equally unique opportunities that can be exploited, in every situation.

The current situation of uncertainty is forcing us to rethink the way we traditionally do business and how we can exploit this present-day reality. It is fascinating how this unique challenge has reshaped the way we work; within a short period of time. Working from home became a new normal, and this has also impacted our interaction with one another. To bridge this gap, technology remained an enabler for our daily work occurrences.

This situation highlighted above is thoughtfully providing a unique dimension to the traditional human resources practices including reward and performance management systems.

This current reality, therefore, forces us to search for innovative ways of management. It inevitably forces the entities to flatten their organisational structures for both local and private companies, to succeed in this modern reality. This also enables employee empowerment, to drive corporate performance.

Does, this mean then that certain skills will be required in this unfamiliar or new environment?

I don’t think the demand for increased skills is going to change in the short term but rather in the long run. Most industries will reasonably demand new skill sets. It is for this reason that I anticipate this year's matriculants are better placed to lead the reshaping of the futuristic world of work.

I am intentionally choosing the current year matriculants because this is the first matric class in public schools that have experienced this unique schooling experience. This challenging environment has therefore broadened their horizon and thus it will enable them to make informed choices when choosing their post-matric education.

This, therefore, properly presents an incredible opportunity for them to radically rethink the skill set required and their future career prospects.

The new normal is realistically transforming our ways of work, let us and the future generation be carefully prepared for this change.

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