WATCH: Woman discovers that the ‘new’ mattress she bought on Facebook is a disgusting used one after opening it up

Woman warns people about buying beds on Facebook. Picture: Pixabay / Pexels

Woman warns people about buying beds on Facebook. Picture: Pixabay / Pexels

Published Jun 13, 2024


If you’re looking to buy a new bed, you might want to reconsider buying one from Facebook.

While many people have managed to find gems on Facebook Marketplace, this TikTok user was certainly not one of them.

The woman took to the video app to share her disgust after buying what she assumed was a new bed.

Captioned, “Don’t buy beds from Facebook please repost,” the video shows a bed that’s cover has been removed.

She explains that she bought the bed from an agent on Facebook who claims to sell popular name-brand beds like Restonic for instance.

She said that she bought the bed a few months ago and it started sagging and it felt like she was sleeping on cardboard.

“So I took it upon myself to open it up and see what was going on inside,” says the unidentified woman.

She then goes on to show what she discovered once she took the outer cover off the bed.

“It is somebody’s old wack sies bed that was recovered in new fabric with the Restonic sign, emblem, on,” she says as she shows viewers the inside of the disgusting used bed.

“There’s a couple of thousand in it’s chops,” she adds.

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She ends the video by warning people about buying beds on Facebook.

Most viewers sympathised with her but there were a few who shared their own experiences.

“Similar thing happened to me even made my child sick. Now he has hayfever due to the mould from the bed,” commented one viewer.

“Mine had a very weird smell and felt like it was stuffed with newspapers,” said another.

“Mine came with bedbugs,” wrote someone else.

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