DA calls on public to oppose Eskom tariff increase

The DA has called on all South Africans to show up at the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) public hearing and oppose Eskom’s 36.15% increase for 2026. Picture: Henk Kruger/Independent Newspapers

The DA has called on all South Africans to show up at the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) public hearing and oppose Eskom’s 36.15% increase for 2026. Picture: Henk Kruger/Independent Newspapers

Published Sep 25, 2024


The DA has called on all South Africans to show up at the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) public hearing and oppose Eskom’s 36.15% increase for 2026.

Kevin Mileham, DA spokesperson on energy and electricity, said that this is a crucial opportunity for citizens to unite and send a clear message that South Africa says no to high electricity costs.

“The DA strongly condemns Eskom’s outrageous tariff hike proposal, which includes an astronomical 36.15% increase for 2026, followed by additional hikes in 2027 and 2028.”

Mileham added these proposed increases will place an unbearable financial burden on already struggling South Africans, who are battling increasing living costs and an economy under immense strain.

“Eskom’s continuous drive to increase tariffs without delivering reliable, affordable electricity is unsustainable and unacceptable. These increases threaten households, businesses, municipalities, and the broader economy.”

Mileham said that the DA has already launched a petition to block these hikes. “We need the collective power of every South African to ensure Nersa listens. In addition to the public hearings, the DA has taken action on multiple fronts. We secured an urgent debate in Parliament on Eskom’s tariff hikes, held on 19 September 2024, showing that the DA is front and centre in fighting for consumers’ rights and against unaffordable electricity.”

Mileham added that the call for the urgent debate was supported by the majority of political parties in Parliament in terms of the unaffordable and untenable tariff increases. “DA-led governments are standing up to Nersa on behalf of their residents. Even if forced to implement the new tariffs, they are prepared to fight back and challenge these enormous billing increases.”

Mileham said that on Wednesday, September 18, the DA led a National Day of Action across all nine provinces to protest against Eskom’s greed and demand affordable electricity for all South Africans.

“We also urge communities, small business owners, and civil society to actively participate in the public hearings. This is your opportunity to stand up against a broken energy system and demand that Eskom and Nersa take meaningful steps to address the electricity crisis.Together, we can stop Eskom’s outrageous tariffs and secure a fair, affordable energy future.”

The Mercury