PSA welcomes action taken by KZN finance MEC to curb wasteful expenditure in the provincial government

KwaZulu-Natal finance MEC Francois Rodgers.

KwaZulu-Natal finance MEC Francois Rodgers.

Published Sep 12, 2024


The Public Servants Association (PSA) said it acknowledged and welcomed the decisive action taken by KwaZulu-Natal finance MEC Francois Rodgers to curb wasteful expenditure.

The PSA said that the move to halt the excessive use of hired vehicles for officials and close unnecessary office spaces was a commendable step toward fiscal responsibility.

“The PSA has long advocated for the prudent management of public funds and fully supports efforts to eliminate unnecessary spending.

“Whilst the PSA applauds these measures, the union calls on the KwaZulu-Natal Treasury to ensure that savings from cost-cutting initiatives are redirected towards critical areas such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure.”

The PSA added that these sectors were currently facing significant challenges owing to budget cuts, impacting service delivery to the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

“The PSA further urges the provincial government to conduct a comprehensive review of expenditure across all departments to ensure broader accountability and transparency in public spending.”

PSA said it was essential that these efforts led to tangible improvements in the lives of citizens, with a focus on addressing the needs of public servants, especially those at the frontline of service delivery.

“The PSA will continue to monitor the government’s commitment to responsible spending and remains dedicated to holding leadership accountable to ensure that public resources are effectively used to benefit the workforce and citizens.”

The Mercury