Ramaphosa to appeal ruling on king

President Cyril Ramaphosa. Picture: Kopano Tlape/GCIS

President Cyril Ramaphosa. Picture: Kopano Tlape/GCIS

Published Dec 14, 2023


President Cyril Ramaphosa will apply for leave to appeal the Gauteng High Court ruling, which set aside his recognition of Zulu King Misuzulu, declaring it unlawful and invalid.

The North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, ruled on Monday that Ramaphosa had failed to follow due process in terms of the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019, also known as the Leadership Act, when he failed to institute an investigating committee when a dispute over the throne arose.

Judge Norman Davis slapped Ramaphosa with a cost order and ordered him to appoint an investigative committee in accordance with the leadership Act.

The committee would be expected to conduct an investigation and provide a report in respect of allegations that the identification of King Misuzulu was not done in terms of customary laws and customs.

Presidency spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said the president had studied the judgment and had now decided to file for leave to appeal.

“President Ramaphosa has noted the judgment of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, setting aside the recognition of AmaZulu King Misuzulu kaZwelithini.

“The court further ordered the president to institute an investigative committee to investigate allegations of violation of customary laws in the identification of King Misuzulu.

“Following a study of the judgment, the president will apply for leave to appeal against the judgment. During the course of these legal processes, His Majesty King Misuzulu remains the identified heir to the throne.

“President Ramaphosa calls on all members of the Royal family to continue working for the unity of ubukhosi bakwaZulu and to prioritise the interest of His Majesty's subjects. It is vital that all due processes are allowed to reach their natural conclusion without inflaming tensions”, he said.

The Mercury