LETTER: Officials who can’t account for income must be shown no mercy

File image: IOL

File image: IOL

Published Jan 24, 2019


DURBAN - Given another round of corruption allegations, bearing in mind we had VBS, the famous Thuli Madonsela reports and now the Zondo commission - all catchy headlines and good reading - but what is the relevance? This will collect dust in no time.

By and large, corruption has become part and parcel of doing business in many instances.

Marc Rich, the famous crude oil merchant, was blunt and said this was how you do business.

At least he made no apologies and was eventually pardoned by United States president Bill Clinton, but not before a big donation made to his “library”.

It is only the scale, level and degree of punishment that differs globally.

To watch people who enjoyed the good and high life and then develop “conscience-itis” at the end of the game is very interesting.

To date, many individuals have been named and one must bear in mind in the US how the infamously untouchable Al Capone was nailed.

In a court case, United States vs Sullivan, the ruling was that “illegal income” needed to be declared and taxes paid.

This paved the way for Al Capone’s conviction.

It will be very interesting to see how many public servants and politicians will pass this test.

In Singapore, if as a state official/office bearer income/assets do not match your official salary, you are automatically found guilty.

No appeal, no trial, go to jail.

South Africa seriously needs to do this to all officials and politicians on a regular basis.


Durban North


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