Berlusconi refuses to bow to pressure

Published Jul 17, 2010


Rome - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says that his government would resist what he called efforts by the left and newspapers to topple him through judicial investigations and "shameful exaggeration".

Berlusconi faces one of his toughest periods since coming to power two years ago, with a widening corruption scandal, a feud with a top ally and a backlash over an austerity budget.

A junior minister resigned this week after being caught up in a judicial investigation and a split with ally Gianfranco Fini threatens to tear the ruling coalition apart.

"In reality and in the numbers, there are no alternatives to this government," Berlusconi said in an audio message to a campaign group within his party.

"We are facing the umpteenth attempt by the left to overturn the results of the vote through the judiciary, we're facing the eternal pretence and eternal dream of the left to make a minority the majority."

Newspapers -- which have been filled with leaked details from judicial investigations that have forced three members of his government to resign in two months -- came in for special contempt from Berlusconi in the message to supporters.

"Spread the very positive news on the government's success against organised crime," he said.

"It's a very clear message that also clears up the absurd and revolutionary climate, created by some newspapers that have begun a shameful new exaggeration -- already proven baseless by facts -- by trying to to involve the prime minister and the People of Freedom party in shady events that we are light years away from."

Economy Ministry Undersecretary Nicola Cosentino resigned this week after being placed under investigation for suspected involvement in a conspiracy to influence judges and smear rivals within his own party. He denies any wrongdoing.

- Reuters

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