Dewanis ‘happy’ about bail

Honeymoon murder suspect Shrien Dewani's UK publicist, Max Clifford, says his client has lost 10kg due to grief and the stress caused by accusations that he masterminded his wife's murder.

Honeymoon murder suspect Shrien Dewani's UK publicist, Max Clifford, says his client has lost 10kg due to grief and the stress caused by accusations that he masterminded his wife's murder.

Published Dec 10, 2010


The family of Shrien Dewani, the British honeymoon tourist accused of having his wife murdered in South Africa, said they were “very pleased” that he was granted bail, the Press Association reported on Friday.

Dewani's solicitor Andrew Katzen read a short statement outside the court on the families behalf.

He said: “We are all delighted that the courts have consistently upheld Shrien Dewani's right to bail, acknowledging his co-operation with the authorities in South Africa and in the UK, and have today refused the South African government's appeal against the granting of bail.

“We are not in a position to say anything further at this stage.”

South African authorities wanted to extradite the wealthy businessman for conspiracy to murder new wife Anni, 28, but a British High Court judge disagreed and allowed his bail application on Friday.

Dewani's PR officer Max Clifford said: “Obviously, they are very pleased, particularly because the South African authorities opposed this and they put in front of Mr Justice Ouseley in the High Court all the reasons why he should go back and why he shouldn't be granted bail.

“However, the judge granted bail and that's important.

“They're pleased also that he is able to go home and continue his trauma and bereavement counselling. He is going to be surrounded by his loved ones and his family, who will support him.”

Dewani was expected to be released from London's Wandsworth prison later on Friday, subject to stringent bail conditions and £250,000 surety.

The South African authorities had appealed to the High Court against a decision earlier this week by a judge at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court to grant bail.

Their lawyers argued there were substantial grounds for suspecting Dewani would not surrender for an extradition hearing later this month.

District Judge Howard Riddle said the “powerful facts” in favour of bail included Dewani's co-operation with the South African police and then the UK police as rumours started of his involvement in the death of his wife.

Appearing for the South African authorities Ben Watson said that “significant new evidence” had now come to light which demonstrated there was “a very powerful case against Dewani” and increased the risk of him taking flight if allowed bail.

Watson told Mr Justice Ouseley this included new CCTV footage and independent evidence that Mr Dewani had obtained money on the black market, allegedly to fund the murder.

But the judge allowed bail after ruling there was “strong support” for the submission that “Dewani genuinely hopes that the investigation will clear him” and would not flee.

The National Prosecuting Authority said it would continue preparing extradition papers for Dewani.

“We respect the ruling and won't take the matter further,” NPA spokesman Mthunzi Mhaga said.

“We are still busy preparing the necessary extradition papers to submit to the Department of Justice, which is the central authority on extradition. We can't commit to time frames.”

Justice Minister Jeff Radebe dismissed any suggestion that Dewani would not get a fair trial in South Africa.

He said: “Our courts jealously uphold and enforce the Constitution, including the accused's rights.

“It is thus simply untrue to suggest that Shrien Dewani will not get a fair trial, should our extradition request to the United Kingdom succeed.”

He further denied claims that South African authorities charged with the investigation and prosecution of the case may have a “sinister motive” to falsely implicate Dewani in his wife's murder.

Radebe said “the presumption of innocence remains”, should Dewani return to South Africa. - Sapa

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