Komorowski rejects plane crash plot theory

Published Jul 10, 2010


Poland's president-elect Bronislaw Komorowski rejected the theory of a plot behind the plane crash in Russia that killed his predecessor and other Polish officials, in an interview published Saturday.

"Creating an atmosphere that says someone committed acts to intentionally cause a catastrophe is at this stage (in the investigation) irrational," Komorowski told the newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza.

"We would like to know the truth as quickly as possible, but practice shows that it (an investigation) takes several months, sometimes even years," he said.

A conspiracy theory that there was a plot to eliminate conservative president Lech Kaczynski, a few months before the next presidential poll, has run rampant on right-wing Internet websites as well as among members of the conservative Law and Justice Party.

Komorowski noted that there are two investigations going on simultaneously - one in Poland and the other in Russia, adding that he would not call into question the Russian probe.

Saturday marked three months to the day that a government jet carrying Kaczynski, his wife and 94 other Polish military and political officials went down in Smolensk, western Russia, in heavy fog.

The delegation was heading to a memorial ceremony in the nearby Katyn forest for thousands of captured Polish officers killed by the Soviet secret police during World War II.

The late president's twin brother Jaroslaw Kacznyski, who lost to Komorowski in the recent special presidential election, along with other conservatives attended a memorial mass for the crash victims Saturday.

At the exact hour of the crash (0641 GMT), they placed flowers before the presidential palace where a few hundred Kaczynski supporters sang the national anthem.

Before the election, Jaroslaw Kaczynski had accused Moscow of stalling in its investigation into the crash and thereby "raising doubts".

In the July 4 run-off poll, Komorowski, who as parliamentary speaker was serving as acting president, took 53.01 percent of the vote to Kaczynski's 46.99 percent, official results showed.

Komorowski is a member of Prime Minister Donald Tusk's liberal Civic Platform and his victory puts the liberals in control of the government and the executive. - Sapa-AFP

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