Day care, a place where your kids go to learn, play and socialise

Parents are also encouraged to help day-care teachers in getting your kids get on the right track. Photo: Pexels

Parents are also encouraged to help day-care teachers in getting your kids get on the right track. Photo: Pexels

Published Oct 30, 2020


Here are some of the things your kids’- daycare teachers wish you would do:

Make sure your child reads every day.

Day-care teachers know that the best way to promote reading fluency is to practice, and they look to parents to help continue the lessons learned in class. Read to younger kids until they’re comfortable on their own.

Help your child make connections between books and real life.

Reading a story to your kids is one thing, understanding it and making connections between the text and other situations is another. Helping your kids make connections between stories and the real world develop their problem-solving and social skills.

Ask your children how their day went.

An open dialogue about how your kids are doing behaviourally and emotionally is important to making sure you’re aware of any problems they’re having and how we’re trying to solve those problems.

Reach out if you have questions.

If you have concerns about your child’s reading, or questions about how to help him or her read at home, ask the teacher. They’re happy to offer advice and find ways to work together to help your child reach his or her potential.They care deeply and want your child to succeed as much as you do.

Learning is not just for school

Your child is going to learn a lot and be exposed to new ideas in school, but at the end of the day, it's up to you to keep that learning going. In fact, teachers rely on parents to reinforce newly learned skills as a way to promote ongoing scholastic success. Ask your child to share what they're learning with you and find ways to extend that learning.

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