How to tell that your child is not ready for daycare

Experts believe that 12 months old is an optimal time to transition an infant to daycare.Photo: Jason Boud / ANA

Experts believe that 12 months old is an optimal time to transition an infant to daycare.Photo: Jason Boud / ANA

Published Oct 29, 2020


Experts believe that 12 months old is an optimal time to transition an infant to daycare. But to most parents deciding if your child is ready for daycare can be a lengthy and sometimes anxiety inducing process.

Parents tend to worry constantly when they are away from their children. That’s why parents need to be absolutely prepared mentally to leave behind their child. Each child is unique in their behaviour and how they relate to their environment.

Before you make that important decision whether to enrol your little one at a daycare. Here are some tell tale signs that your child is not ready for daycare:

They get overly upset when you leave.

If a child is not starting daycare until they are a toddler, there is a good chance that they have spent the first few years of their life with you. They have gotten used to having you around a lot, and we need to decide how they are going to act when we suddenly leave.

Children learn best when they are able to separate from their parents without letting it make them upset. If you feel that your little one is not ready then you can try introducing them slowly, by gradually increasing the days they attend.

Developmental delays can cause even more delays

If your toddler has any developmental delays, then that may mean they are not ready for daycare at the same time other children of the same age are.This would be another scenario where you are unknowingly setting up your child to not succeed. It is important to work with your medical team on setting up a plan that will work.

They cannot do basic self-care

Most centres want children to be toilet-trained or at least showing strong signs of readiness. If your little one is still struggling to make it to the potty on time throughout the day when he’s not in an overly stimulating environment, kindergarten could pose a bit of a problem.

Introvert vs. extrovert

Even though they are young,children have personalities all of their own and that can impact how they respond to daycare. While extroverts have no problem making new friends and interacting with others. If your little one is more of an introvert, this does not mean that they can not attend daycare, it just may mean a different strategy including some discussion with the daycare teachers.

You are the only person who understands what they mean.

Communication is not a child’s strong suit but their communication should be somewhat understandable. It might be a good idea to have someone else come over and see if they are able to understand your little one.

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