Gen Z voter was ready to make a mark on voter day

Published May 29, 2024


Being born a Gen Z, we are always seen as children and it is a surreal moment for us now that we are old enough to vote. The last elections were in 2019. I was old enough to register to vote, but I felt I was not yet ready to take such a huge step.

One would think voting is as easy as just registering and going to put a cross in a small box on a piece of paper. It sounds easy, but there is more to it than just that. A lot goes into making that one decision.

To me, voting means making a conscious and informed decision about how I want my future to be, and that includes having a say in whoever I choose to trust is capable enough to be the governing party.

It wasn’t until in 2020 when I was attending college, being surrounded by so many students and engaging in conversations, that made me realise just how most people are enduring hardships for a better future. Only then did I realise just how much my vote also matters.

I have watched how the current ruling party is handling the country, and I can't help but worry if this is the future I want for myself. The people who have been given the upper hand to make the ultimate decisions are leaving me with so many unanswered questions and concerns over whether they really have our best interests at heart.

As a youth, I have seen how living conditions are getting worse, poor service delivery, frequent load shedding, shortage of water, and the worst of them all being the ever increasing youth unemployment rate.

As a result of this, I was excited to cast my vote for the first time because it means I get to choose and have a say in what I want my future to be like.

* Tshegofatso Malatsi is a multi-media reporter intern at IOL

** The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of IOL or Independent Media.