Premier Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae says generators donated by China will be shared among schools, hospitals and government offices

Consul General of China in Johannesburg, Pan Qingjiang with Premier of Free State province, Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae at the grand reception marking 75 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Picture: Supplied

Consul General of China in Johannesburg, Pan Qingjiang with Premier of Free State province, Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae at the grand reception marking 75 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Picture: Supplied

Published Sep 24, 2024


Premier of the Free State province, Maqueen Letsoha-Mathae, has sent congratulations to the People’s Republic of China as the Asian nation celebrates the 75th anniversary of its founding.

Letsoha-Mathae led the Free State delegation which attended a prestigious reception hosted by Consul General of China in Joburg, Pan Qingjiang. The Joburg event was attended by Free State MECs including Jabu Mbalula, MEC for community safety, roads and transport.

The Chinese National Day reception was also attended by Speaker of Gauteng Provincial Legislature, Morakane Mosupyoe; Joburg Mayor Dada Morero and Ekurhuleni Mayor Nkosindiphile Xhakaza among hundreds of other invited guests.

The annual celebration this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, since the proclamation made by Mao Zedong, then chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC), on October 1, 1949.

Consul General of China in Johannesburg, Pan Qingjiang hosted a grand reception marking 75 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Picture: Supplied

“Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1998, South Africa and China have forged a partnership grounded in mutual respect, shared interests, and a commitment to development. This relationship is not merely transactional; it is a partnership that seeks to address the challenges faced by both countries and the broader African continent,” said Letsoha-Mathae.

“The provision of water and electricity remain one of the challenges confronting our municipalities such as Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality, Mantsopa Local Municipality, Masilonyana Local Municipality and Ngwathe Local Municipality. We are looking forward to work with People’s Republic of China on expertise and skills exchange which includes engineering, town planning and infrastructure development.”

The premier said her province was “delighted” to announce that the current partnership and collaboration has already benefited Free State with 11 electricity generators donated by People’s Republic of China.

“These generators will be distributed to schools, health facilities and other government building where there is an electricity challenge. One of the cornerstones of South Africa-China relations is economic cooperation,” she said.

“China has become one of South Africa’s largest trading partners, with bilateral trade reaching impressive figures. South Africa exports a range of goods to China, including minerals, agricultural products, and manufactured items. In return, South Africa imports machinery, electronics, and consumer goods from China, which helps fuel our local industries and create jobs.”

Moreover, Letsoha-Mathae said Chinese investments in South Africa have significantly contributed to infrastructure development, particularly in sectors like energy, transportation, and telecommunications.

The Belt and Road Initiative has opened avenues for further collaboration, enhancing connectivity and trade routes that benefit both nations.

“Beyond also economics, cultural exchange has been a vital component of our relationship. Initiatives such as scholarships for South African students to study in China and participation in cultural festivals, have fostered deeper understanding and appreciation between our people. These exchanges help build a foundation of trust and friendship, essential for a sustainable partnership,” said Letsoha-Mathae.

Consul General of China in Johannesburg, Pan Qingjiang hosted a grand reception marking 75 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Picture: Supplied

The premier said the relationship between South Africa and China is a testament to what can be achieved through partnership and mutual respect.

“As we move forward, let us continue to build on this foundation, ensuring that our collaboration benefits not just our countries, but the global community as a whole. Let's honour the past, celebrate the present, and embrace the future with optimism. Together, we can build a brighter tomorrow for generations to come,” she said.

“To our friends, in the name of humanity and on behalf of the people of the Free State, we wish you success and prosperity as you mark 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.”

Consul General of China in Johannesburg, Pan Qingjiang hosted a grand reception marking 75 years of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Picture: Supplied

In his keynote address, Consul General Pan said the journey of 75 years has been a roller-coaster of tenacity and persistence.

“The past 75 years have witnessed both a journey of tenacious and persistent endeavours and a record of remarkable achievements. The Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people in making historic leaps - from finding their feet to becoming prosperous and then to constantly getting stronger, boasting the creation of two miracles of the modern world: rapid economic development and long-term social stability,” said Pan.

“Over the past 10 years of the new era in particular, with the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Secretary General Xi Jinping at its core, China has advanced to a new level in economic development, with its GDP reaching US$17.8 trillion in 2023, maintaining the second largest economy and contributing over 30% to global growth for more than a decade.”

By the end of 2020, China had lifted all impoverished rural residents out of extreme poverty, achieving the poverty reduction goal set in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ten years ahead of schedule.