Tokolos Stencils targets UCT

Tokolos Stencils at UCT. Photo: Tokolos Stencil Collective

Tokolos Stencils at UCT. Photo: Tokolos Stencil Collective

Published Aug 17, 2015


Cape Town - The University of Cape Town was this weekend one of the latest locations chosen by art collective Tokolos Stencils for their “Remember Marikana” and “Non-Poor Only” protest pieces.

“Over the past few months, we have been inspired by the persistent struggle of the #RhodesMustFall movement at UCT,” Tokolos wrote on Facebook on Monday morning. Pictures of their protest on the university campus were also posted online with an explanation by the collective on why they had targetted UCT.

“We did our research and found out a few little known facts about UCT’s link to the marikana massacre.”

Tokolos – which received attention for their stenciling on Michael Ellion’s “Perceiving Freedom” sunglasses in Sea Point and bringing a portable toilet to BRUNDYN+ in Bo Koop and painting the words “Bourgeois Gallery” – alleged the following connections: That Judge Ian Farlam sits on the UCT Council and that the university had been investing in mining company Lonmin since the massacre in 2012.

As such, Tokolos alleged that UCT was one of a long list of shareholders in Lonmin and was thus “complicit in the massacre of 34 poor black workers”.

The university’s spokesperson Pat Lucas responded to Tokolos’ allegations on Monday and said the vandalism was an “irresponsible and inappropriate method of protest that shows no respect for the students and staff of the UCT community”.

“While the university encourages and supports the responsible exercise of freedom of expression, we do not condone defacing buildings and memorials.”

She further confirmed that UCT invested in Lonmin, among others in the resources sector.

“All investment falls within the university’s investment policy managed by the Joint Investment Committee,” said Lucas, also providing confirmation that Farlam was indeed a member of Council.

“But,” she said, “he is not involved with the Joint Investment Committee or UCT investment decisions”.

Lucas urged all students and staff to commemorate the marikana massacre by attending events on the Cape Town campus. Two of the related events the public could attend would take place on Tuesday at 1pm with the Rhodes Must Fall Movement, and at 6pm with the UCT Left Students Forum.


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