WATCH: Nomusa Dube-Ncube hopeful incoming MK party administration will propel the people of KZN forward

KZN Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube addresses those in attendance at the Durban ICC, at the Electoral Commission of South Africa’s results operation centre. Picture: Supplied

KZN Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube addresses those in attendance at the Durban ICC, at the Electoral Commission of South Africa’s results operation centre. Picture: Supplied

Published Jun 2, 2024


Outgoing KwaZulu-Natal Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube is hopeful that the province’s incoming administration will build on the foundation laid by the previous administration.

She was speaking at the release of the provincial results at the KZN Results Operations Centre, hosted at the Durban ICC.

"We know that the incoming administration has a very strong foundation on which to build our province and continue to propel our province and our people for the better. Our government will not stop working.

“We hope that those who will be coming into government will see the value in the work that has been done and will build on that to improve the livelihood and the lives of the people of this province and this country,” Dube-Ncube said.

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has declared the results for KZN:


MK Party - 45.93%

ANC - 17.64%

IFP - 16.26%

DA - 13.67%

EFF - 2.56%


MK Party - 45.35%

IFP - 18.03%

ANC - 17.00%

DA - 13.38%

EFF - 2.26%


MK Party - 44.89%

IFP - 18.24%

ANC - 17.24%

DA - 13.49%

EFF - 2.38%

Nationally, KZN had the highest voter turnout.

KZN Vote in numbers:

Female voters - 3,240,549

Male voters - 2,497,700

Voting stations - 4,974

Electoral staff - 44,941

Picture: Se-Anne Rall/IOL