KZN holiday resort accused of being ‘blatantly homophobic’ says wording in their rules may have caused confusion

Published Apr 25, 2023


Durban – A holiday resort on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast ruffled feathers after their rules that “same sex” groups were first to be approved by the rental committee before they could stay at their resort, came to light on social media.

Social media users interpreted this as the resort being homophobic, calling for them to be closed.

However, Mtwalumi holiday resort said: “This is not in any way directed against the LGBTQIA+ community who are welcome to stay in our resort subject to the rules as applicable to all guests.”

Craig Anderson, a trustee at the resort provided some clarity on the situation.

In an email, Anderson said after many unacceptable incidents perpetuated by large groups of men and women visiting the resort as “same sex” groups, we were forced to initiate measures to mitigate the problem.

He said according to the rules, no “Bulls and Hens” parties were allowed and no same sex groups were allowed until approved by the rental committee.

“Please read rule 5 together with rule 4 as the activities listed in rule 4 have created the most unsavoury incidents.”

Anderson said the reason why applications are referred to the “rental committee” is to ensure that each application is dealt with on its individual merits and not “a one size fits all” approach is applied.

“A group of senior citizens celebrating an event and a group of bikers holding a rally are obviously viewed differently.

“On a further point of clarity, the definition applied to ‘groups’ is more than four individuals.

“There is no screening of ‘same sex’ groups of guests numbering 4 or less.”

Anderson said Mtwalumi Holiday Resort is a family orientated organisation, and “we strive to provide a family friendly environment, free from the unsavoury incidents historically perpetuated by ‘same sex’ groups of guests.

“Allow us to apologise again for the misconception created by the ‘same sex’ connotation.”