SA students in Russia spent Christmas with no food, as their fees, living costs haven’t been paid by Mpumalanga govt



Published Dec 29, 2022


Pretoria –Over 200 South African students from Mpumalanga who are studying in Russia faced a black Christmas with no food after the provincial government failed to pay for their tuition fees and living costs.

The students are enrolled at different universities in Russia and are studying courses including Aviation, Engineering, Medicine and Information Technology.

According to activist and spokesperson for the group of students, Hayley Reichert, fees and other living costs haven’t been paid for at least six months.

Speaking to eNCA, Reichert said since students raised alarm on their situation, only 47 students had their fees paid.

“I’m getting desperate calls and pleas from these students, they are unable to eat. One of them said she had bread and water for Christmas and they are being told that they are going to be evicted as of 30 December and they are begging and pleading with landlords for extensions.”

Reichert said its not even easy for the students to come back home as most are from disadvantaged backgrounds and relied on government for everything.

“Some of their families don’t have income or have income which is enough to sustain them back here. They are bright young people, these are our future leaders, future doctors, they have been given this opportunity, but due to poor administration from Mpumalanga government, the only solution they have come up with is, send these kids back home,’’ she told the news channel.

In October, Independent Newspapers spoke to one of the students in Moscow, Victoria Maheso, who pleaded for help.

“Our livelihoods are in danger. What am I going to do? I cannot even ask my family for help. I support them with the stipend I receive. I worked hard to make it to my final year. The people who brought us here are not helping. We are coming to you for help,” she said at that time.

After the students pleaded for help, Mpumalanga department of education spokesperson Jasper Zwane said the department is working around the clock and in the best interest of students and will not rest until all issues aimed at advancing their studies are addressed within the stipulated time-lines.

Zwane committed that no student will be evicted from their homes or expelled from universities.

When IOL contacted Zwane to comment on the latest developments, he said he will release a statement on 28 December, when we enquired about the statement, he said there are no new developments and the statement will only be issued on Friday.