The highs and lows of 2021: SA celebs reflect on the year and share their hopes for 2022

Actor Sisanda Henna thinks that 2021 has been a year that played out like a movie. File image.

Actor Sisanda Henna thinks that 2021 has been a year that played out like a movie. File image.

Published Dec 31, 2021


Johannesburg: It’s fair to say that 2021 has been a challenging year for most South Africans.

But what has some of South Africa’s most popular celebrities made of the past year?

The Saturday Star spoke to local celebrities this week about their highs and lows of 2021, and also revealed what has caught their attention in the past year.

Jane de Wet - Actress

How would you sum 2021?

It's been a year of intense growth, on every level: spiritually, interpersonally, as well as in my career and craft.

The highlight of your year was…..?

Definitely shooting Spoorloos season 3 under the superb direction of Christo Davids – an experience that accelerated career growth for me.

The worst moment of your year was….?

A role that my heart was really set on that I didn't get. But I believe that what is for me will not miss me. I'm sure the right person was cast.

Shooting Spoorloos season 3 was one of the highlights of the year for actress Jane de Wet. File image.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

I witnessed an interesting polarisation in humanity in response to the pandemic: the one half became extremely negative and bitter, while the other became more self-aware, mindful, and compassionate. The same set of circumstances, vastly different attitudes. What I took from this is that we cannot control the situation, but we can control our response to it. I feel inspired by those who have risen above and chosen to be a light in the darkness. They are the reason we will heal from this global trauma.

Sisanda Henna: Actor

How would you sum up 2021?

This year has been like something out of a movie. But we’ve had some good moments.

It's been a year of growth. I am grateful for so much, even during a pandemic. I’m grateful for life. I got so badly sick.

The highlight of your year was…..?

The release of One Night kwa Mxolisi, which is an original Showmax film, and it did really well. It also got nominated for two awards at the New Vision International Film Festival.

The worst moment of your year was….?

Getting Covid-19, but I’m so grateful that I've recovered. Get vaccinated people.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

It’s a Netflix film, and it's called Always be my maybe. It’s the cutest, coolest Asian-American romantic comedy. I just love what they did with the film.

Spending time with loved ones was the highlight of the year for actress Natasha Sutherland. File image.

Natasha Sutherland - Actress

How would you sum up 2021?

It’s been challenging: at times, a bit foreboding and at others, curiously magical.

The highlight of your year was…..?

Just one highlight? Getting the chance to perform the iconic Shirley Valentine, watching 2020’s filming come to fruition when Mnet’s Lioness aired and getting to work with awesome peeps on Brett Michael Innes’ mockumentary film Daryns Gym. I love this genre, and it was such fun to work with the character he created.

My sons – the family arguments and love we have, their studies and creative projects, and the Wonder Woman Funks collectors doll they gave me as a birthday present. There have been some fab full moons this year, one of which I got to see as sea meets river when my friend took me to her beautiful home in Kenton for a few days.

And, I finished writing the first draft of a play, and a first draft of a novel - just finishing is a yeehaa of note! Too many highlights to mention.

The worst moment of your year was….?

Seeing friends and family go through tough times. I am a bit of a ‘fixer’, so when people I love are feeling sore, I want to take it all away. But learning that I can’t and that I have no right to meddle in their journeys is humbling. I can offer love and support, but I cannot control the outcomes. Also, I’ve dropped the ball on my yoga practice. It’s a miracle I can still reach over and touch my toes.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

That we are more magical and courageous than we think. That we are more judgemental than we think we are (and yes, I realise that by saying that I am passing judgement).

Featuring in The Saturday Star’s #aTypicalInterview was a highlight for actor Anton Taylor. File image.

Anton Taylor - Actor

How would you sum up 2021?

Sort of like a movie! It’s played out like a rom-com set in a zombie apocalypse. A bit macabre and a tad too heavy on the plot twists, but with a happy ending.

The highlight of your year was…?

True story, in September, The Saturday Star ran #aTypicalInterview on me. I visited Joburg that weekend and had such a jol that I overslept and missed my flight home. I had to spend an extra day in Jozi, and by fluke, I bumped into a girl I’d had a crush on for 15 years. I’d tried finding her over the years, but she’d deleted her socials. We’re now in love – classic 2021 plot twist.

The worst moment of your year was...?

That I’ve felt great despair at the collective suffering of South Africans. There has been much loss, and at times, things have got properly dark. One day I’ll grieve, but for now, I just look at memes.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

I’ve really noticed a sense of South African identity. We are the most resilient people, and nothing can conquer our sense of humour. No matter what happens, we get on with it without complaint and then make a joke about it. It’s a great juxtaposition to these whiny ‘developed’ countries who hoard vaccines and close borders.

Being able to travel and see her daughters was something tTalk show host Felicia Mabuza-Suttle enjoyed during 2021. File image.

Felicia Mabuza-Suttle - former talk show host, who now lives in the US

How would you sum up 2021?

After a disastrous 2020, I believed 2021 would be a better year – a year of hope. I was at my lowest ebb after losing two of my youngest sisters, one to Covid. They were like my own children and my best buddies. I hoped for a better year with a new president, Joe Biden, after a tumultuous Trump presidency.

It was also a year of reflection, re-evaluation and reinvention for me – peace, purpose and preferment. It was a year of self-care.

The highlight of your year was…?

Being able to ultimately travel to see my daughters (Lindiwe and Zanele) and grandkid, Naledi, in Europe. It was an emotional reunion after close to two years of not seeing them.

The worst moment of the year was..?

It was not the worst moment, but the scariest moment when I had to deal with the reality that I had expanded my family responsibilities. I took on the responsibility of taking care of my sister’s children and other family members, who continue to rely on me for assistance. I consider myself blessed to be able to take on all of this responsibility when I should be relaxing.

What one thing has captured your attention over the last year?

Anti-vaxxers and their determination to ignore science. Interesting because most have had vaccines administered to them as children.

Being one of the judges for Miss South Africa 2021 was a highlight for actress Shannon Esra this year. File image.

Shannon Esra - Actress

How would you sum up 2021?

It’s been a year filled with abundance in work and love. I could not feel more grateful.

The highlight of your year was…?

Being one of the judges for Miss South Africa 2021 was a massive highlight for me because I experienced the most profoundly life-enriching process through it. It was a real surprise and a total delight to step out of the shoes of the characters I so love to inhabit and portray on-screen and stand in my own pair, surrounded by strong, sensational, bright, and brilliant women.

The worst moment of your year was..?

A few weeks ago, I contracted a rare bacteria, which sadly saw me having a painful surgery, and a rather tricky recovery. But I am pleased to say that I am fighting fit and feeling so much better every day.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year? Comparisons will only lead you down a road of unhappiness.

Celebrity Tiffany Barbuzano as Jessica in the local drama, Still Breathing. Picture: Courtesy of M-Net

Tiffany Barbuzano - Actress

How would you sum up 2021?

It has certainly been a year of great change, great learning and huge trust in the universe. We have been incredibly blessed to have been in a position where we’ve still been working, and that’s something we have been very aware, and grateful of. It sometimes felt like everything was about to go back to ‘normal’, and I think we all got our hopes up. Now with this fourth wave, it’s taking a lot of positive affirmation to remind ourselves that all WILL be well.

The highlight of your year was…?

It has to have been how much we’ve been reminded that we are surrounded by awesome people. How many heroes we have among us, and just how many angels there are too. Seeing our boys excel at school despite the craziness of Covid has also been amazing. I’m also so excited about how I’ve been able to creatively use social media to grow my passion. I’m loving being able to share some of my health journey and cooking tips. Being with friends again after our 10000009th lockdown, was awesome.

My family have been incredible. I can’t even put into words how strong my husband has been. He really battled after having Covid, but he has done everything in his power to get himself back. My boys are always a highlight, but specifically this year. They go with the flow, but this year, they’ve taught me to be present. They’ve taught me that to show how you feel is important, even if it’s tricky.

What was the worst moment of your year?

Having Covid. Aside from the actual illness itself, the anxiety is something no one warns you about. I don’t think I can ever remember being so scared for Johnny, myself and the kids. We all had it at the same time. Every day was just full of so much fear. We didn’t know what would happen. I’ll never forget having ‘the conversation’ with Johnny. I’m grateful that we all got better. I certainly don’t take it for granted, especially having lost so many incredible people around us to it.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

Mostly, I have to say that despite all the terribly horrible things that we have witnessed, the amount of support and love and help that people have given to those around them has blown me away. I also think that our industry, despite almost being brought to its knees, has proven just how resilient it is.

Johnny Barbuzano and his family. File image.

Johnny Barbuzano - Director and actor

How would you sum 2021?

It’s been challenging in so many ways, but with challenges comes immense growth. I always saw this year as one of survival, both physically and mentally, but the isolation has also shown me what I want to achieve in the future and what not to take for granted in the present.

The highlight of your year was…?

Quality time with my family. You miss so many moments in the development of your children when you’re at work, but the isolation has afforded us more time with our loved ones.

The worst moment of your year was…?

Contracting Covid - the stress and fear of having the disease in your household is a feeling I hope to never go through again.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

How uncomfortable we are to change, and then when we finally accept the need to change, how capable and creative we are at finding new ways of doing things.

Rock musician Francois van Coke. Picture by Ian Landsberg.

Francois van Coke- Musician

How would you sum 2021?

I think 2021 was a challenging but very fulfilling year. I really got into health and fitness because of the time spent in lockdown and not being able to play shows. But it’s also very fulfilling to start live playing music again and to start work on my fourth solo album.

The highlight of your year was…?

Definitely fighting ex-Springbok player Derick Hougaard and beating him in the first BOXOP match in May this year. Also, to have started work on my fourth solo album. A big highlight is spending time with my family and my two kids.

What was the worst moment of your year?

Right now, hearing about this new variant of Covid and expecting a lot of cancelled shows towards the end of the year.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

I got really into boxing last year. It’s been a great year for boxing. It’s obviously a new interest that sparked when I was training for my BOXOP fight, and I’m really into watching fights at the moment. I also get up early Sunday mornings to watch UFC.

Afrikaans rapper Jack Parow. Picture Ian Landsberg

Jack Parow - Musician

How would you sum up 2021?

How would you sum the year you've had? Some of this. Some of that. Some days were lekker. Sum days were lekker k*k. But overall, I had a pretty great one under the circumstances.

What was the highlight of your year?

There were a few, but I think my psilocybin retreat in the Knysna forest changed my life and was incredible.

What was the worst moment of your year?

Also the psilocybin retreat in Knysna. I fought some giftige (poisonous) demons in the bush.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

How much people need good times because when you deprive them of it, they really go mad - or at least I do.

Moving to LA was one of the highlights of the year for actress Tanit Phoenix-Copley. File image.

Tanit Phoenix-Copley - Actress

How would you sum up 2021?

An incredible opportunity to bring family and friends closer, and to be present, go within and do some inner work.

The highlight of your year was…?

Moving back to Los Angeles and becoming a hypno-therapist.

The worst moment of your year was….?

I try to always focus on the positive. The dark is only the absence of light.

What one thing has captured your attention over the past year?

How the governments around the world have been pushing for global control of people, and in doing so, it has created a mass movement of awakening and shifting of consciousness for humanity.

The Saturday Star

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