eThekwini municipality to fine political parties R1,193 per poster for exceeding 800 posters per ward rule

Signage Inspectors have been actively removing these posters in eThekwini Municipality. Picture: Supplied

Signage Inspectors have been actively removing these posters in eThekwini Municipality. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 5, 2024


eThekwini Municipality, through its General Advertising Branch, has begun removing election campaign materials from street power poles and other municipal infrastructure.

Political parties were obligated to take down election posters within 30 days of the election date.

“Starting from July 2024, signage inspectors have been actively removing these posters and will impose fines on political parties once the process is complete,” said eThekwini Municipality’s spokesperson, Gugu Sisilana.

Political parties and independent candidates were permitted to display a maximum of 800 posters per ward.

Council said it will impose a fine of R1,193.00 every poster removed by the General Advertising Branch.

In the same vein, a group of young people from KwaMashu, KwaZulu-Natal have been collecting the political paraphernalia, albeit for a different reason.

Lawrence Masibekela, a 28-year-old playwright, has written a play titled These Streets, which focuses on the country’s 2024 general election, coalitions, and the Government of National Unity (GNU).

“I got this (UMkhonto We Sizwe Party elections poster) in Chesterville. It was the last remaining large party whose poster I had not managed to grab,” he said.

Masibekela further stated that the play is political and asks pertinent questions about the election, politicians and the lives of the people whose policies affect.

“The play starts from July 26 to 28 at the K Cap theatre in KwaMashu... I was afraid that being seen with these posters, people will be upset that I am a member of a certain party. But, I have put my trust in the Lord,” said Masibekela.