Lynn Forbes finds peace when she visits AKA's gravesite

Lynn Forbes. Picture: INSTAGRAM.

Lynn Forbes. Picture: INSTAGRAM.

Published Jun 28, 2024


Lynn Forbes, the mother of late South African rapper Kiernan “AKA” Forbes, has opened up about her emotional journey of healing following the musician’s tragic death.

He was shot and killed in Durban in February 2023, leaving his family and fans devastated. In a heartfelt Instagram post, Lynn shared her feelings and experiences while visiting AKA’s grave.

She posted a poignant photo of herself beside AKA’s grave, revealing how these visits have become a source of comfort and peace for her.

“Visiting your grave has become easier to do. It brings me so much comfort, grounds me and gives me peace at the same time,” she wrote.

“In my dream, you asked me to visit often and enjoy this peaceful setting and you were right. Talking to you, updating you on what’s happening with Kairo, the family, anything I think you would want to know makes me feel more connected to you”.

Lynn said that she also finds solace in the quiet moments spent at her son’s grave, using the time to reflect and pray. Despite the immense loss, she shared that these visits have become a joyful and peaceful experience, helping her keep AKA’s memory alive and strong.

“Sometimes, I find comfort in just sitting quietly with you to think and pray. I miss you terribly but my heart is at peace. Visiting your grave has become a joyful and peaceful experience that brings me comfort and keeps your memory alive and strong,” she added.

The Forbes family has been open about their healing journey, sharing their struggles and moments of solace with the public.