Mommy makeovers surge in popularity: cosmetic surgeon answers FAQs about breast, butt procedures

Trends like Brazilian Butt Lifts, we’ve seen a surge in interest from patients not only in South Africa but also in places like Kenya and Nigeria. Picture: cottonbro studio/pexels

Trends like Brazilian Butt Lifts, we’ve seen a surge in interest from patients not only in South Africa but also in places like Kenya and Nigeria. Picture: cottonbro studio/pexels

Published May 23, 2024


In recent years, an unprecedented number of women have turned to mommy makeovers and a variety of cosmetic procedures.

While, motherhood is an enriching experience, it often leaves behind physical changes that can be difficult for many women to accept.

Mommy makeovers, which commonly include procedures like breast augmentation, tummy tucks, and liposuction, offer a way for women to reclaim their pre-pregnancy bodies and, with it, a renewed sense of self-esteem.

Dr Deon Weyers, an award-winning plastic surgeon, who specialises in mommy makeovers, which include breast and buttocks reductions, breast augmentations, breast lifts, face and neck lifts, and rhinoplasty (nose jobs), answered frequently asked questions about some of the cosmetic procedures.

The mommy makeover is Weyers' top procedure, especially in Johannesburg.

Weyers said that the popularity of mommy makeovers had sky-rocketed in recent years.

“With trends like Brazilian Butt Lifts, we’ve seen a surge in interest from patients not only in South Africa but also in places like Kenya and Nigeria.”

Before and after of a mommy makeover.Picture: supplied

Below are some of the FAQs:

How long after having a baby can a breast procedure be done?

Generally, you should wait 3 to 6 months after stopping breastfeeding before having breast cosmetic surgery. However, everyone is different, and you might need to wait even longer.

Due to hormonal changes, it's best to wait up to six months after you stop breastfeeding before getting any kind of breast surgery.

This gives your body time to adjust and allows your breast tissue to settle into its final shape.

How do I take care of my scar after surgery to make sure I have minimal scarring?

One of the biggest concerns after surgery is dealing with scars. With so many products on the market, it’s hard to find one that truly works.

However, silicone gel has been clinically proven to improve the appearance of scars. While silicone sheeting is often recommended, taping the scar and applying the gel can be just as effective.

Patients should start taping their scars as soon as the stitches are removed and the wounds have healed. A product called Scar Science should be applied twice a day over the tape.

This method keeps pressure on the scar, preventing it from becoming raised and helps improve its appearance.

How long after a procedure can I go back to work?

For most procedures, you can expect to be booked off work for at least two weeks. Recovery will be six weeks and after most procedures, you can gradually continue with your normal routine and exercise.

When can I start driving after my procedure?

From two weeks onward you will be able to gradually start driving again.

When can I have intercourse after the procedure?

After most procedures, it is advisable to wait for a minimum of six weeks.

How long do I need to wear my post-op garment?

After any surgery, you'll need at least six weeks to recover. During this time, wearing compression garments can significantly reduce swelling, bruises and scars.

They enhance blood circulation, lower the risk of infection and pain and are crucial for shaping your body and stabilizing implants after plastic surgery.

How long do implants last?

Breast implants are a Class III FDA Approved Medical Device and, therefore, strictly monitored. Latest Technology Implants are guaranteed to last a lifetime without rupturing and usually have a 10-year replacement warranty against a capsular contracture.

So, in short, you have a lifetime to enjoy your implants!

What additional help/ aftercare would I need after surgery?

For most procedures, after you leave the hospital, you would need some help around the house, getting dressed, cooking and general chores around the house.

You will also need someone to drive you to and from your follow-up appointments at the practice.

Will I have drains after my surgery?

Yes, you will have drains after your surgery. These drains are placed in the operated areas and need to be emptied and measured every 24 hours. You will be shown how to do this and the drains are usually removed between the fifth and seventh day.

What is the difference between traditional liposuction and VASER liposculpture?

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction, or VASER (vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance) liposuction, is an alternative to the techniques used in traditional liposuction.

This ultrasound technology uses powerful waves to break apart and lose fat from your deeper tissues so that it can more effectively be removed with a cannula during the treatment.

In parting, Weyers said: “Nothing brings me greater pleasure than seeing a patient brimming with confidence and joy from the results of their elective cosmetic surgery!”