The social impact of corruption

Nco Dube is a political economist, businessman, and social commentator on UkhoziFM.

Nco Dube is a political economist, businessman, and social commentator on UkhoziFM.

Image by: Supplied

Published Mar 28, 2025


Corruption in South Africa is a hydra-headed monster. It manifests in grand scandals that dominate headlines, in the subtle collusion of private sector elites, and in the everyday bribes exchanged between ordinary citizens and low-level officials.

While it is often reduced to a political or racial football, the true cost of corruption is borne by the most vulnerable in society, the poor, the marginalised, and those who lack the means to navigate a system rigged against them. To understand corruption’s deep and pervasive impact, we must move beyond simplistic narratives and examine its nuanced realities.

The many faces of corruption

Corruption in South Africa is not monolithic. It operates on multiple levels, each with its own mechanisms and consequences. At the top, grand corruption involves high-level officials and private sector actors who syphon billions from state coffers. The Zondo Commission’s revelations about state capture laid bare how systemic corruption can hollow out institutions, leaving them unable to deliver basic services.

In the private sector, corruption takes the form of tender fraud, price-fixing, and collusion. The construction cartel scandal, which inflated the costs of the 2010 FIFA World Cup stadiums, is a glaring example. Similarly, the VBS Mutual Bank collapse exposed how corruption in financial institutions can devastate communities, especially the poor who trusted their savings to what they believed was a safe institution.

Then there is petty corruption, the everyday bribery that ordinary citizens encounter. Paying a traffic officer to avoid a fine, slipping a security guard R50 to jump a queue, or bribing a Home Affairs official to fast-track a document may seem trivial compared to grand looting. Yet, these small acts accumulate, normalising corruption and embedding it in the fabric of daily life.

The social cost of corruption

The social impact of corruption is profound and multifaceted. It erodes trust in institutions, perpetuates inequality, and traps millions in cycles of poverty. It diverts funds meant for essential services like healthcare, education, and housing. The looting of COVID-19 PPE funds is a stark example. While billions were stolen, hospitals struggled with shortages of masks, gloves, and ventilators. Similarly, the collapse of infrastructure projects, like the reports of unfinished schools in the Eastern Cape, leaves communities without the basic facilities they desperately need.

In local municipalities, corruption manifests as mismanagement and embezzlement. The result? Communities endure water shortages, electricity outages, and uncollected waste. These failures not only degrade quality of life but also fuel social unrest.

Corruption is both a cause and a consequence of inequality. It enriches a small elite while impoverishing the majority. When public funds are stolen, the poor suffer the most because they rely heavily on state services. For example, corruption in housing departments leaves many without decent shelter, while fraudulent social grant schemes deprive vulnerable citizens of their rightful benefits.

The private sector is no less complicit. Price-fixing by large corporations inflates the cost of basic goods, disproportionately affecting low-income households. Meanwhile, tax evasion by wealthy individuals and companies deprives the state of revenue needed for development projects that could reduce inequality.

Corruption undermines public trust in democracy and governance. When citizens see leaders enriching themselves at their expense, they lose faith in the system.

The police, who are meant to protect citizens, are often seen as part of the problem. Bribes exchanged at traffic stops or ignored reports of crime erode confidence in law enforcement. Similarly, corruption in the judiciary undermines the rule of law, leaving citizens without recourse to justice.

Petty corruption may seem harmless, but it has a corrosive effect on societal values. When bribing a traffic officer becomes “the way things are”, it normalises unethical behaviour and perpetuates a culture of impunity. This normalisation of corruption is particularly damaging for young people, who grow up seeing it as a shortcut to success rather than a betrayal of public trust.

The human stories behind the statistics

Behind every statistic on corruption is a human story. Consider the single mother in Khayelitsha who relies on social grants to feed her children. When these funds are delayed or stolen, she must choose between feeding her family and paying for transport to work.

Or the pensioner in rural Limpopo who pays a bribe to access her old-age grant because she cannot afford to make multiple trips to the pay point. For her, corruption is not an abstract concept but a daily reality that strips her of dignity and security.

Then there are the young people who see corruption as their only path to opportunity. When jobs are awarded based on connections rather than merit, they lose hope in the promise of education and hard work. This disillusionment fuels social unrest and drives many into crime or emigration.

While it is easy to blame politicians and business elites for corruption, ordinary citizens also play a role. Petty corruption may be driven by desperation or convenience, but it perpetuates the very system that oppresses the most vulnerable.

When we bribe a traffic officer or pay to jump a queue, we contribute to a culture where corruption is seen as inevitable. This normalisation of unethical behaviour makes it harder to hold those in power accountable.

However, it is important to acknowledge the systemic pressures that drive petty corruption. For many, paying a bribe is not a choice but a necessity. When services are inaccessible or inefficient, bribes become a survival mechanism. This highlights the need for systemic reform rather than individual blame.

Corruption and the erosion of South Africa’s societal soul

Corruption in South Africa is more than a crime or a political failing; it is a profound moral and existential crisis that threatens the very essence of our social fabric. At its core, corruption represents the collapse of the social contract, the unspoken agreement that binds citizens to institutions and to one another in pursuit of collective well-being.

When public servants pilfer funds meant for hospitals, when private elites collude to inflate prices, and when ordinary citizens bribe officials to access basic services, we are not merely witnessing the theft of resources. We are witnessing the disintegration of trust, the perversion of justice, and the commodification of human dignity. The tangible consequences – the crumbling infrastructure, unemployment, and inequality – are devastating, but the intangible erosion of ethics and values may prove irreparable.

Philosophically, corruption thrives in the vacuum where accountability and empathy should reside. It transforms citizenship into a transactional burden, where survival depends not on rights but on one’s ability to navigate a system rigged by greed.

This normalisation of moral compromise breeds a society where cynicism replaces hope, where the young learn that integrity is a liability, and where the marginalised internalise their dispossession as fate. The ANC’s constitutional vision of a “society based on democratic values, social justice, and fundamental human rights” becomes a cruel parody when corruption sabotages every pillar of that promise.

The long-term trajectory is alarming. If left unchecked, corruption will entrench a permanent underclass, stripped not only of material resources but of the belief that fairness is possible. It will deepen the chasm between the elite and the impoverished, fracturing national unity into ethnic, racial, xenophobic and class divisions. 

Ethically, it risks normalising a culture of impunity, where success is measured not by merit but by one’s capacity to exploit loopholes. The intangible loss of shared purpose, mutual respect, and collective identity could render South Africa a nation of atomised individuals, united only by resentment and disillusionment.

Into the anti-future

Yet, there is a deeper existential threat: corruption corrodes the stories we tell ourselves about who we are. The legacy of apartheid was a society fractured by systemic injustice, but the post-1994 era promised redemption through equality and renewal.

Corruption betrays that narrative, replacing it with a nihilistic cycle where power begets theft, and theft begets more power. It undermines the moral authority needed to address other crises like the climate collapse, gender-based violence, and xenophobia because a society that cannot trust its leaders to act ethically cannot mobilise collectively to solve existential challenges.

The path forward demands more than legal reforms or anti-corruption units. It requires a reclamation of ethical imagination, a societal reckoning with the values that define us. Do we aspire to be a nation where success is built on solidarity or one where it is built on exploitation?

The answer will determine whether South Africa becomes a beacon of post-colonial resilience or a cautionary tale of moral bankruptcy. Without a renaissance of accountability, transparency, and empathy, we risk not just economic collapse but the death of the ideals that once made us believe a “Rainbow Nation” was possible.

In the words of Professor Mubangizi, corruption is the “greatest threat” to South Africa’s constitutional dream. To overcome it, we must confront not only the thieves in suits but also the complicity of silence, the erosion of empathy, and the collective failure to demand better. The stakes are nothing less than the soul of our nation.

(Dube is a political economist, businessman, and social commentator on Ukhozi FM. His views don't necessarily reflect those of the Sunday Tribune, Independent Media or IOL. Read more of his articles here:


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