3 friends’ road trip from London to CT finally comes to a triumphant end

Karen, James, Spencer and Enda in Angola. Picture: Instagram

Karen, James, Spencer and Enda in Angola. Picture: Instagram

Published Jun 25, 2024


Those following the journey of three friends, Karen, James, Spence and of course their car Edna, can finally breath a sigh of relief as the trio have made it safely into Cape Town.

The group set out on a journey of lifetime, travelling by road with their Toyota Hilux from London and crossing over to the continent on a ferry.

They recently posted their momentous accomplishment to their Instagram story.

“Edna has made it to Cape Town. Thank you so much for your love and support throughout our journey,” the post of them at the V&A Waterfront read.

Karen, James and Spence at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town. Picture: Instagram

The friends were about two weeks behind on their social media posts, but they said that they would provide their followers with more recent updates soon.

“We will do regular stories in real time to keep you guys up to date! We really look forward to our time exploring South Africa and can’t wait for you to see what we get up to,” they wrote on Instagram.

The trio started their epic travels in March and have completed the journey in less than 100 days.

Karen, James and Spence have crossed countries including France, Spain, Morocco, Mauritania, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Ghana.

A view of Table Mountain as group of friends, Karen, James and Spence, make it into Cape Town. Picture: Instagram.

Their journey to South Africa, passing one country at a time, has been documented on Instagram and has attracted thousands of followers.

Their adventure has been a long and bumpy adventure, with them almost having to discontinue their trip after their car experienced mechanical issues.

This included when Edna snapped under the pressure of the journey on the west coast of Africa, after covering more than 11 000 KM.

The vehicle’s clutch also had to be repaired in Benin City and it got stuck in mud in a remote forest in in Côte D’Ivoire.

They explained during their road trip that while crossing from Nigeria to Cameroon, they had encountered some of the worst roads of the trip and it had put a huge strain on Edna’s compromised chassis.

Karen explained at the time that they said they hadn’t budgeted for such an expensive repair. To help with the costs of repairing Edna, they had set up a PayPal account in which donations could be paid.

Many of those who have been glued to the trio’s journey from the start, donated money.

And with their momentous journey finally coming to a triumphant end, their followers are eagerly awaiting updates about the group as they finally made it to South Africa.